poussin (chicken)

  1. Morning Glory

    Recipe Poussin à la Normande

    There are many versions of this classic French dish which is usually made with chicken pieces. Here I used a whole corn-fed poussin which comfortably serves two unless you are greedy. In the USA a Cornish game hen can be substituted. Ingredients Stage 1 1 tbsp vegetable oil 20g butter 1...
  2. Morning Glory

    Recipe Poussin with Pistachio, Sumac and Orange

    This is a very easy tray bake yet it looks rather dramatic. You could substitute chicken pieces for the poussin. Sumac has a citrus edge which works well with the sweetness of pistachio and the nutty toasted sesame oil. Garlic cloves are baked unpeeled and whole, to squeeze out when the dish is...
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