Air Popper for Popcorn


25 Sep 2014
Local time
1:01 PM
I am so glad I bought an air popper. I can quickly make a batch of popcorn without using oil. Very handy when you want to make a bunch for a party or movie night. It's quite good, and you can feel a little less guilty about adding flavoring, since you're not using oil too.
I don't much care for most of the microwave popcorn. I also keep hearing how unhealthy it is. I eat it on rare occasions, but I'd much rather pop my own. I also prefer white to yellow and most of the microwave popcorn brands use yellow.
Anything is unhealthy if you eat or drink to much of it.

it's just too easy for me to eat microwave popcorn over regular! :wink:
My mom always had air popped popcorn, but so may of the kernels did not pop. There was always quite a lot of them in the bowl that had flown out unpopped. You either had to fish them out and try again, or they just went to waste. Often they wouldn't pop even if you did try again. Not sure why though. I liked the taste of plane, air popped unseasoned unflavored popcorn, but not the waste of unpopped kernels.
Strangely we stopped using our air popper as well when we got our first microwave back in the late 80's. If you were to add up all the money we've spent on microwave popcorn over the years, we could have purchased a whole bunch of those air popper machines, after ours went bad. I used to love using it and watching the kernels spin around in it, waiting for them to start popping. Ours even had a little tray on top that you could put butter in to melt while the popcorn was popping.

Prior to that we had the really old school popcorn maker - the kind with the clear yellow dome that served as a bowl once the popcorn was done. That made excellent popcorn as well, but it was not made very well as the bowl started to melt around the edges where it touched the base of the popper. I notice they still sell them again at Target and I've been curious to get one and try it out.
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