The Alphabet Game: Dishes using Za'atar

Both x's are actually essential oils. The xanthium oil (known as cocklebur or burweed) is extracted from the seeds which are similar to that of coriander in 'design'. They are not a nut or high oil seed, (35% yields same as sunflower seeds) . The oil from the seeds though edible (same as the oil from the Brazilian pepper leaves) isn't one you eat it cook with, though reading what it supposedly cures, it sounds more like a wonder drug! They are both effectively herbal remedies.

Y & Z are both going to fall into this category as well.
Yellow Mustard Oil
Yellow Mustard Seeds come from the family of regular brown mustard with enhanced benefits, better Aroma & Taste. The yellow mustard oil is not pungent like regular black mustard oil and maintains the original flavour of the food. It is visibly light in color and is less thicker in texture. Yellow Mustard seeds are rich source of Selenium and Omega-3 fatty acids They are also a good source of Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese, Dietary fiber, Iron, Calcium, Protein, Niacin and Zinc.

Zinfandel grape seed oil (stretching it but having a hard time with Z other than zucchini - I know there are squash oils but, not sure specific to zucchini)
Zinfandel grape seed oil (stretching it but having a hard time with Z other than zucchini - I know there are squash oils but, not sure specific to zucchini)

Excellent - it is indeed used in food.

Once again we have triumphed where all others fail. And if you don't believe me try Google searching for A to Z of culinary oils. :D
So what's next up? Suggestions please. So far we have had:

Alcoholic drinks
Australian food and drink
Brands and manufacturers
British food and drink
Caribbean Food and Drink
Chilli Peppers and Salsas
Chinese food and ingredients
Cold desserts
Cooking terms & methods
Culinary herbs
Eggs and dishes made from eggs
Fish and fish dishes
Grains, seeds and pulses
Greek food and drink
Green vegetables
Indian dishes
Italian food and drink
Korean food and drink
Moroccan Food & Drink
Potato types and dishes.
Red food and drink
Russian food and drink.
Scandinavian food and drink
Scottish Food & Drink
Southern United States Food and Drink.
Spanish food and drink
Sweets and Candies
Thai food
Vietnamese food and drink
White food and drink
Yellow food and drink
But hey! We could have a silly fun and possibly contentious round called: 'Toppings that should never go on pizza'. I reckon it might get more folk participating in this thread!
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