Do you think obesity is genetic?

Not genetic ,just a habit passed down by parents or family of poor eating habits and lack of exercise,not all cases but I know of many cases like this ,dad sits around so does the son
I know of at least 2 kids that were obese due strictly to what the people raising them fed them.
The first one the mother insisted that the child age 6-10 eat exactly 3 lbs of food at dinner. Luckily, the child was in school. When the child was 11, the mother pulled her out of school, never let the child go outside and fed her 3 BIG meals a day. Needless to say child went from normal to obese.
(It took 6 years and some other factors to finally get the child some help.)

The second one lives with her great-grandmother that feeds the child whatever she wants and the quantity the child wants. ( The second child had very big great-great grandmothers on her mom's side.)

Not sure if that is genetic or very strange parenting.

My family has everything from twigs to mega-size. My girl cousins range in height from 4'11 to 6'2. The boys are a bit more reasonable ranging from 6' to 6'9.

Note: The skinnier ones are inclined to eat as much or more than the bigger ones.
Also a few of us due to life choices have gone from twigs to normal.
I don't think obesity is genetic, but I think the habits and relationships with food you grow up with around you can affect, your relationship with food as an adult.

I used to have a negative relationship with food, because of growing up watching my Moms negative relationship with food, but I didn't realize til I waz an adult, that there waz a problem, til I got help and helped my self. Now I have a successful health business.:okay:

So I don't think obesity genetic, but I think mental/physical health problems that cause obesity are genetic.:cool:
I used to have a negative relationship with food, because of growing up watching my Moms negative relationship with food, but I didn't realize til I waz an adult, that there waz a problem
Until the last few years, I was the only one in my family home who was not overweight, sorry more accurately obese. All my life I have known every family member to be obese except for my Grannie. The result was that I didn't want to be them. I was anorexic as a teenager (typical private girls school issues didn't help) and have spent all my life watching my weight. I have a very negative relationship with the scales and now only use them when I am on a 'diet' which is quite rare. (The current one is simply as a result of being bedbound and then housebound for over 18 months and 12 months of my OH cooking with a little less care to the 'use half the oil the recipe states please' approach to his cooking. He would also cook plenty of treats for me because my life was so very limited for 12 months and I had gone from being exceptionally active (cycling 10,000 miles in 10 month prior to my back going and leaving me partially paralysed and bedbound) to absolutely nothing - I could not even get down the stairs without help for 15 months.) I have to be careful not to revert to my teenage years because of the effect of seeing all my family members (with the exception of one of my brothers now) being very obese or obese. It's hard but I'm not certain that mental/physical health problems that cause obesity are genetic. The issue with my back was a birth defect, nothing more. My severe asthma is the only one in the family. Curiously my mother never really showed any interest in learning to cook from her mother, my grannie, whereas I did learn to cook from my grannie (I lived with her for a while). I suspect that not learning to cook is probably a bigger cause of the obesity issues. My sister certainly never learnt to cook and well, she is large and always has been all the way through school. She was never taught to restrict what she ate, be careful with what she ate, nutrition or anything like that. It shows. She won't even buy potatoes with soil on them, she buys them in plastic bags ready cut up and ready to go straight into the microwave. It is the same with any veg and meat.
Wow, I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I struggled with both ends of the spectrum too, anorexic (not eating) to being obese (overeating). I just meant that, it's hard to see the problem when your surrounded by the same problems.I didn't realize how much my parents affected me and my life in a negative way til I went to therapy and we all have similar mental health problems, so it could be genetic or just all bad upbringings.
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