Egyptian Morning Brew


Senior Member
30 Dec 2017
Local time
4:06 PM
Okay this recipe I make every morning for me and my husband as soon as we wake up. I was first introduced to this by my mother inlaw. She made it for me one morning. Since then I've added more stuffo make it more healthy and taste better.

It's a hot drink so I prefer to make it during fall and winter only. I make another brew for spring and summer but let's focus on the fall and winter one today. This drink is great for the kidneys, digestion and lots more. Most of the ingredients you can find pretty much anywhere. Time: about 5 mins or less. Servings: 2

1/2 tsp Anise seeds
1/2 tsp fennel seeds
1/4tsp ginger
1/4tsp cinnamon
1/2tsp of sweet basil (The kind you can put in tea)
1/4tsp of mint or more if you want
1 tiny little pinch of sage
1 tiny little pinch of cloves
2 cups of boiling hot water
Honey or sugar to taste

1. Put your pot or kettle on and start your water to boil.
2. Gather up all my the ingredients and dump it into the water.
3. Let everything brew until it comes to a rolling boil. When it comes to a rolling boil wait 2 mins then turn your stove off.
4. Carefully pour it into your mugs then add your honey or sugar to taste. Careful not to burn yourself.

Note: if you would like to put a little less or more of this stuff go ahead. It doesn't have to be exact so play around with it and make that perfect brew just right for you.
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I remember drinking hot highly spiced tea when I lived in Cairo but that was in the summer too! It was served in very small tumblers rather than cups or mugs. I rather liked it at the time.
I remember drinking hot highly spiced tea when I lived in Cairo but that was in the summer too! It was served in very small tumblers rather than cups or mugs. I rather liked it at the time.

A bit further south, in Ethiopia and Eritrea, tea is served in a kind of whisky tumbler that would be similar, I imagine. It was also served with a slice of lemon and with industrial quantities of sugar. It was usually more a case of "how much tea would you like with your sugar?"

The sugar tended to be boiled in with the tea, so you rarely had a choice, though one of the first Tigrigna phrases I learned was "without sugar" (along with the very important - for me - "without meat"). What I usually did was squeeze out as much lemon juice as I could, which meant that I tended to be left with something resembling a cup of very sweet Lemsip.
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