
24 Mar 2023
Local time
8:32 PM
Somerset & Costa Tropical Spain
[Mod Edit: this post and following few moved to new topic (MG)]

Rumwells had some nice looking faggots so I bought them for Mr SSOAP as I’m not a fan so don’t make them.

He had the humungous faggots. I had skate seared at the speed of light and some scallops.
Chose the wrong pan because I was being lazy and lost the very edge of the fish as the non sticks not good on the old pan I used.
A couple of the scallops were fractionally over cooked owing to staying in the pan too long while I stopped the dogs burning their mouths on the two I dropped 🙄
Not my finest work but it tasted really good so no complaints.


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I'm sorry, what is that? The meaning is very different in the USA. Looks like meatloaf?
Kind of is. It’s like a giant meatball crossed with meatloaf. It’s made of meat off cuts of beef or pork and some offal. There’s usually breadcrumbs, pepper and other herbs and spices in there. It’s often (as it is here) cooked with onions and gravy and served with mash potato and peas.
It’s very old fashioned peasant food.

The word faggot is from the pile of sticks for burning called a faggot. No idea how a pile of sticks became the word for a big meatball 🤷‍♀️

They became unpopular but nose to tail eating and nostalgia revived their sales.

Butchers often sell faggots.
Kind of is. It’s like a giant meatball crossed with meatloaf. It’s made of meat off cuts of beef or pork and some offal. There’s usually breadcrumbs, pepper and other herbs and spices in there. It’s often (as it is here) cooked with onions and gravy and served with mash potato and peas.
It’s very old fashioned peasant food.

The word faggot is from the pile of sticks for burning called a faggot. No idea how a pile of sticks became the word for a big meatball 🤷‍♀️

They became unpopular but nose to tail eating and nostalgia revived their sales.

Butchers often sell faggots.
Yeah, I knew it was a bundle of sticks, never heard about the meatball thing. What kind of offal? Pretty much all offal is awful in my book, but I know that plenty of people disagree, LOL! Besides, I have eaten Boudin sausage that wasn't horrible and it has liver in it. Not my favorite Cajun sausage by a long shot, I much prefer andouille.
Yeah, I knew it was a bundle of sticks, never heard about the meatball thing. What kind of offal? Pretty much all offal is awful in my book, but I know that plenty of people disagree, LOL! Besides, I have eaten Boudin sausage that wasn't horrible and it has liver in it. Not my favorite Cajun sausage by a long shot, I much prefer andouille.
Well you’d be hard pushed to find a definitive recipe because faggots date right back to medieval times. The butcher would use whatever he had in abundance and the home cook would use whatever the butcher would throw in cheap.

Pigs liver and fat is common.
They don’t taste ‘offally’. It’s a bit like when people use mashed chicken livers to make a gravy more meaty or anchovies poked into lamb, you don’t taste the anchovy. It’s not an eww offal flavour. In fact they often have a mild flavour.
It really was about frugality and rationing was all about stretching meat as far as you can.

They tend to have much a softer looser texture than a meatball.
I don’t dislike the flavour, it’s the gravy skin that can form on the top of them from baking that makes my stomach churn.
If they're heated on the hob and theres no skin I don’t mind them.

Theres a frozen ready meal version called Mr Brains Faggots. They are incredibly cheap so most people 40+ will have been served faggots at school or home.
They are not good faggots and are probably why faggots aren’t liked by some.
Add in they were always served with peas, I’d be trying to hide a lot of it under some mash to try and get it passed the the dinner lady and into the bin 😂

Delia Smith’s faggot recipe is bacon, pig's liver and belly pork with onions, breadcrumbs, herbs and spice, all minced and baked in stock.
I absolutely love faggots though I've never made them. Maidstone is bereft of butchers. I think there may be one sort of chain butcher but they don't make them. The only type I can get at the moment are the unfortunately named frozen 'Brain's Faggots'.
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