Food prices are rising, or are they?


Legendary Member
15 Oct 2012
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10:17 PM
SMARTNEWS Keeping you current
Why Those Headlines About Rising Food Costs Are So Confusing
There's more to the story

Food prices are getting higher. Or lower. Whichever. (Rich Johnstone - Flickr/Creative Commons)
By Erin Blakemore
OCTOBER 7, 2016 11:23AM
Buckle your seatbelts: It’s gonna be a wild ride. That’s the message you may have read from news outlets like the BBC this week, with word that world food prices have risen ten percent in just a year. But other headlines seem to directly counter the news, declaring that food prices are, in fact, in freefall. What’s a hungry reader to believe?

It turns out that the food price situation changes depending on the lens through which you look. World food prices are indeed on the rise—according to the United Nations food and agriculture organization food price index, the prices of every food category but cereals and meat are up several percentage points from similar indices last year. But when you drill down to the United States, the picture changes. As Craig Giammona reports for Bloomberg, food prices have fallen for nine consecutive months in the U.S.

Worldwide, rallies in both sugar and dairy costs are fueling the price surge. The cost of dairy is up 14 percent, reports Manisha Jha for Bloomberg, and though grain prices have been falling, pretty much everything else is on the rise. As The Washington Post explains, bad weather is mostly to blame: A Brazilian drought has hurt production of sugar and coffee, putting the pinch on sugar prices. Meanwhile, it’s been a great year for grain, which has shielded cereal prices from rising.

In the Unites States, however, it’s a different story. Giammona notes that the falling food price pattern is practically unheard of outside of a recession, but it’s being driven less by weather than by market forces like supermarket competition and tumbling oil prices. The Voice of Agriculture, a magazine of the American Farm Bureau Federation, writes that the total cost of 16 food items that could be used to prepare one or more meals has dropped eight percent. And when considered individually, the drops are even more dramatic—eggs and chicken breast have fallen 51 and 16 percent, respectively, with the costs of only bagged salad, apples and potatoes rising.

That’s great news for American consumers, who are enjoying the savings even as farmers and grocers freak out. Retailers like Kroger and Sprouts have lowered their fiscal outlooks in response to the price plunges, reports Maggie McGrath for Forbes, for example.

But something could bring American food prices more in line with international norms: Hurricane Matthew. As Ashley Morris reports for the Star News, farmers in North Carolina are hustling to harvest their crops before the storm hits, and the USDA has reminded farmers that it has crop and livestock loss programs that could help. The future of American food prices remains unclear: the storm could hurt national food stores, or its winds could produce the equivalent of a blip on America’s falling-food-price radar.

We might be in for a shock given the falling pound... personally I don't worry too much about food prices. I know I can make do with very basic cheap produce if needs be. Its the price of gas and electricity which I worry about more. But I'm privileged. I have a good pension and I know how to cook.
Latest round of price increases are for the raw foods. Driven by the price of sugar!

The farmers still get the same, if they're lucky. One I know sells milk at 8p a gallon, but has to buy it at the same price as me and you.
There is always a reason for food to go up,fuel prices, poor harvests,salmon disease in Chilli,the value of the pound and so on ,but prices never go down as fast as they rise ,supermarkets declare more on the top line but less on the bottom line ,we spend more as there is now more on offer,range quality value,is the profit fair all the way along the chain ,do the farmers get a fair deal,do the chains bully them ,they appear to control all the hands
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