Recipe Gluten Free Pizza dough recipe

26 Nov 2014
Local time
8:20 PM
I know the perfect pizza dough recipe is ;like the holy grail for people who are gluten free so I thought I'd post the best one I found so far.
For the crust you need (for one pizza):
1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella
¾ cup almond flour
2 tbs cream cheese
1 egg
Garlic salt
Parchment paper and cookie sheet

Melt the cheeses together until they form a soft goo in the microwave or on a double boiler. You don't want the cheese to be hot, just melted. Next add the egg, almond flour and any herbs/seasonings you want. Mix it all together, it should make a ball of dough.

Drop it onto the parchment paper and spread it out into the desired shape. You may want to put a bit of olive oil on your fingers to prevent sticking. Pop it in the oven at 425 degrees for about 10-12 minutes. You may need to poke holes in it with a fork if it bubbles up. Cook until crispy, remove from oven add toppings and cook for another 10 minutes.
This crust is so tasty you won't ever miss out on pizza again!
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