Greetings from Utah

Welcome to CookingBites teamfat :welcome:. We aim to be a friendly and supportive community and love new members. We aren't an overly busy forum so its pretty easy to get to know folk here. Although we are a UK run site, we have a good mix of nationalities here from UK, USA, Australia, Thailand, Europe etc.

I know from elsewhere what a great cook you are so its good to see you here! We usually have a few fun cooking challenges running. At the moment we are waiting for the new judge of the Recipe Challenge to choose an ingredient - hopefully some time today. We also have a regular thread What did you cook or eat today (January 2020)? where you can post photos and/or tell us what you are cooking. I hope you have fun here!
Welcome to the group! I flew through Utah once, on the way to Alaska. You have a very nice airport. :)
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