Hello from Ireland

Hello from the rocky shores Ireland!
Welcome to CookingBites @MizzQueenFood. Please feel free to join in our discussions wherever you like. If you head over to What did you cook or eat today (April 2019)? you can see what members are cooking. We also usually have some fun challenges and 'cookalongs' running see: The Current CookingBites Challenges. I hope you enjoy the forum. We are a small, friendly community and you will soon get to know everyone! What kind of food do you like to cook?
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Welcome to CookingBites @MizzQueenFood. Please feel free to join in our discussions wherever you like. If you head over to What did you cook or eat today (April 2019)? you can see what members are cooking. We also usually have some fun challenges and 'cookalongs' running see: The Current CookingBites Challenges. I hope you enjoy the forum. We are a small, friendly community and you will soon get to know everyone! What kind of food do you like to cook?
Call me simple but most of the time I make beans on toast with bacon and eggs for the family:D. It's pretty fast to do and quite tasty. On my best days if I feel the mood I can go all in and make some Caviar sushi or pizza.
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