
Welcome to CookingBites Nilland :welcome:. Feel free to join in our discussions wherever you like. If you have a moment, please tell us a bit more about yourself and what kind of food you like to cook.
Hi, welcome! Chicago is a great food town, one of our favorites.
Hello from Akron, OH! I love your city, had much fun the few times I was fortunate enough to visit.

Welcome here :welcome:
JAS_OH1 and Nilland,

I'm a Chicago native. Born and raised there. I moved to the north suburbs during college and farther west (Schaumburg area) when I married. We moved to N.C. in 2010 for my husband's job. I moved back to IL in 2017 alone. Now, I live in a much smaller town about 2 hours away from Chi-town. I'm about an hour from Rockford.

P.S. I'm starving here. Is there any way I can bribe you to mail me some of our great Chicago food? LOL
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