How should you clean your dishwasher?

A bother top tip that works,any lime scale marks on any thing rub tooth paste over it ,and massage in leave for a few mins and rinse off,you'll be surprised how well it comes off ,I do it on my shower ,the shower engineer shared the tip with m first,and shiney metal kettles
This is a very timely post, I actually need to clean my dishwasher! I have used the vinegar method before, but I've never tried to the baking soda rinse. Seems logical, so I'll give it a try too. And, because it seems so easy, I'm going to try the toothpaste trick too. I tend to get a lot of limescale build-up and it drives me crazy! Thanks to both of you for the tips!
There are also chemical cleaners for this purpose in the supermarkets.
Jet Dry makes a lemon-scented one. Cascade makes what they call Plastic Booster, for machines that have a plastic tub & inner door - like mine has. :wink:
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