Is anyone sort of near New Jersey?

Thank you... let me just look into something, a friend of a lad at work lives in California so could possibly be a sort of go- between.

You realize California is on the opposite side of our country, thousands of miles away? Just FYI, that will probably add 2 weeks travel time if you are in a hurry.
You realize California is on the opposite side of our country, thousands of miles away? Just FYI, that will probably add 2 weeks travel time if you are in a hurry.
Yeah but at least its the same continent.
At this point it's looking like either that or forget it.
He says he'll have a quick look at the logistics.
He'll be able to help you with the costs, but California is nearly 3,000 miles from New Jersey!
I'm thinking post it to him, let him post to Lodi, get Lodi posting back to him then him sending back here.
I dont mind the time, but the cost can't be stupid amounts.
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