

Legendary Member
1 Feb 2018
Local time
9:07 PM
Ypsilanti, MI.
I love Onions. I love red onions, white onions, yellow onions. I love them in a house. I love them with a mouse. I'll eat them in a boat, or with a goat..........well anyways, you get the gist of it. They are probably one of my favorite veggies.

I'll eat them raw, cooked, pickled, ect...

Were having sausages for dinner tonight. I want to do something different with the Onions. It isn't something that can take a ton of time. I usually just cook them in a pan, kind of a semi caramelized.

Any suggestions?

I usually cook the onions on low in a little bit of oil and a little bit of butter.
Jalapeno cheddar sausages. My wife grabbed them from the deli where she works.

Do a Mexican quick pickled, red onion (Thin sliced with salt and lime juice). Saute some poblano strips. Make sausage sandwiches with the poblano strip, onions and Tex-Mex chili gravy. Sliced avocado with lime juice, salt and cilantro as a side.
Do a Mexican quick pickled, red onion (Thin sliced with salt and lime juice).

I was going to say similar - make into a quick pickle (red onions thinly sliced with a pinch of sugar, salt and lime or lemon juice and cumin seeds). After 10 minutes the pickle becomes a jewel-like pinky red.
I love Onions. I love red onions, white onions, yellow onions. I love them in a house. I love them with a mouse. I'll eat them in a boat, or with a goat..........well anyways, you get the gist of it. They are probably one of my favorite veggies.
He is a poet and did not know it.
DITTO - Onions in everything - except dessert which I rarely make. THAT would be a good challenge - deserts with onions!
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A Provençal French Onion Tart with fennel and Dijon ..

Simple, savory and superbly splendid ..
I used to love "onion loaf" as served in Chicago Rib Shack in Knightsbridge, London (I think). I've never been able to cook one myself.
I used to love "onion loaf" as served in Chicago Rib Shack in Knightsbridge, London (I think). I've never been able to cook one myself.

I like onion strings. The taste and texture is similar to an onion loaf, but in small batches. I think the secret is mandolin sliced sweet onions, soaked in ice cold water to start.
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