Plans for today (2019-2022)

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D.i.l rang just after I left the net, grandkids have rugby prize giving. And it's too cold she reasoned. I went and watched. The horse I backed didn't even finish,lol.
Rugby test match in an hour or so against ozzy.
@SatNavSaysStraightOn you watching?

Lacking in sleep... Note to self: must NOT log into the forum at after 10 pm.


  • Make a pasta dish from leftover home-made pasta dough.
  • Edit and post photograph of pasta salad for Dish of the Month - possibly write up recipe too although its so simple its barely a recipe...
  • Photograph burger for the Recipe Challenge. Write up the recipe.
  • Edit bread photos and post.
  • Think up something to make with leftover minced pork.
  • Think up something to make with greengages

The reality may differ...
Today is our monthly weisswurstessen at a German restaurant in the city, so we're doing that. Nothing like beer and sausages at 10AM. The venue is routinely voted one of the best beer gardens in the entire country, and today should be a good day for sitting outside (though I prefer to be inside).

I've also got to start a no-knead bread for tomorrow's planned spinach dip for the cookbook challenge, and get my grocery shopping figured out. It's usually done by now.
Plans Mon to Fri

Finish quilted advent calendar for sister
Make 3 more quilted stockings for kids (to go with other 8)
Finish cardigan repair to take to UK for friend
Finish other cardigan
Check presents over
Check chook house, new lock required on one door, several feeders need moving, refill all feeders for final week long check, top up all water. New nesting material, clean out bantam sleeping area.
Cook potato soup, write up for new comp
Cook other soup, also write up for new comp
More admin work for CB
Drs apt to sort meds for flight
Chemist, order monthly meds so in stock
Refuel Serenity (my car)
Clean house/hover
Cards for all birthdays whilst away (4?)
Pack for long haul flights
Update blog

I'm going to quit this list now, it's too depressing.
And one of my chickens has gone broody on me. Just what I do not need just before a 2 week overseas 'holiday'.
  • Sort fertile eggs for bantam(s) to sit on whilst away.
See, that's what I never liked about raising our own food. It's hard to get away. We rarely took vacations as a kid because there was always something that needed tended.

My oldest brother, he and his wife live the most like that now, with chickens and guinea fowl and herding dogs, lots of plants (she raises and sells fresh/dried flowers and herbs), and they can never get away.

Regardless, I hope you get things in order and have a great holiday! That's the nearby part of life to me. We love traveling.
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