Regular or Diet Soda?

Regular or Diet Soda?

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I'm diabetic so when I want soda, I drink diet. I love, love, LOVE Diet Dr. Pepper and Sprite Zero. I also really like the "10" sodas such as Sunkist 10 and Dr. Pepper 10. They do have a couple carbs but that's nothing compared to the 40+ carbs in a can of soda (not even mentioning the sugar content hehe). I try to drink water or unsweetened tea most of the time. I love lemon water too. But seriously, like once a year (usually on Christmas), I'll have a real Coke. It's like my own present to myself. I put a can of Coke in the fridge two days before the holiday and let it get super cold. That's my favorite way to drink it :)
I prefer Coke Zero, Sprite Zero and Pepsi Max compared to diet options such as Diet Coke (which I find has a funny after taste) and regular Coke (which has an overpowering taste and is too sweet for my taste). As well as taste, I also prefer Coke Zero and Pepsi Max as they contain a lot less calories than the original drinks.
I only drink "regular" soda. I used to drink a lot of soda and even then I could never drink diet. Artificial sweeteners give me headaches so diet isn't even an option. Most people I know drink diet so I keep both diet and regular in the house in the event someone comes over who prefers diet.
It just has to be regular soda for me. Yeah I know it's supposedly worse for me, but honestly, I've more issues with diet sodas health wise. Plus they just tend to taste awful and not right.
So is terrible for you anyway, but I'll drink regular. Diet soda has a lot more artificial sweeteners and chemicals that cause a lot more health issues in the long run. I'm sure regular soda does the same, but I've heard worse affects from the diet so I steer clear of it.
I don't drink soda if i can help it, but I will when it's part of a meal deal or there is nothing else. I always go for regular because it tastes better, diet always tastes even more artificial and weak. Neither are healthy, but diet is unhealthier and is marketed to those who watch their calories only, so they think they can drink more. I had a friend who only drank Diet Coke and he had several a day!
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