Simnel Cake

I have been making Mary Berry's delicious recipe for the last few years but have never quite mastered browning the marzipan without burning the tops!

Does anyone else make it or have any tips?
I don't have one of those torch thingies. So its the grill or nothing.
How close or hot do you do?
I really think this is one of those things its impossible to advise - depends how fierce your grill is, depends how close you put them. It should be a high grill - then place under, fairly close and watch like a hawk!
That sounds a bit like fruitcake with not quite as many candied fruits added. I think we could actually get most of those ingredients here, not sure about the muscavado sugar. Mary Berry migrated over here, for an American Christmas baking show. We love to copy shows here in the US that were formerly British. If something is a hit in Britain it will eventually find it's way over the pond.:)
I watched her make it again yesterday on her Easter Feast with a slightly different recipe, apricots instead of peal and the decorations were different too. She used a blow torch! I really need to get one.
I watched her make it again yesterday on her Easter Feast with a slightly different recipe, apricots instead of peal and the decorations were different too. She used a blow torch! I really need to get one.
If your not really bothered what it actually looks like consider a DIY one, rather than one marked up for kitchen use. Same item, fancier packing, just make certain you get the wide base whichever you buy.
It can reach a temperature of 1450°F!!
Very little actual difference between the DIY ones and the ones made for use in the kitchen.
Major difference will be down to decorative sleeve provided with the one sold for use in the kitchen, not with the DIY types.

Both are the same, however they're packaged. The biggest difference will be the price. It's a good example of how celebrity/TV chefs & shows have taken an item and changed it's use.
I just used the grill again in the end.
Appreciative comments from the family anyway. My, decorative skills are not my strong point but it tastes great.

We normally get given a simnel by my mother but she managed to leave a plastic spatula on top of the raw cake and bake it,ruined! She is waiting for a catarach operation on her second eye,and is struggling
We normally get given a simnel by my mother but she managed to leave a plastic spatula on top of the raw cake and bake it,ruined! She is waiting for a catarach operation on her second eye,and is struggling
Ah! What a shame.
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