Stevia/Truvia -> Reb-A


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
4:04 AM
Raw Stevia Leaf has not been approved by the FDA for inclusion in food products, but the commercial Stevia extract concentrate Reb-A has.

Store bought Stevia and Truvia are both Reb-A Concentrates.

There are pros and cons to Reb-A use. The pros regard diabetes and its perceived benefits to glucose sugar elimination. Reb-A is said to be a more concentrated sweetener than normal sugars. The cons regard unknown health risks, unknown in that only limited laboratory testing has been done and it is not understood what continuous and long term usage may do to human health. Also, the flavor of Reb-A may be objectionable compared to true sugars.

Have you used Reb-A products and can you share your opinions?
We bought and planted a stevia plant once. The leaves were really sweet when you chewed them, but I felt it had an odd aftertaste so never really did anything with it.
We only have granulated white and also brown sugar here,no substitutes like saccharin? Do they still make that.?? No margarine here either.


You mean here as in your house, I think? Stevia/Truvia is available in New Zealand.

I use it occasionally but it is rather expensive even though you need much less than sugar.
I should think to try Stevia, being marginally diabetic, type 2. However, I don't like the idea that it will not caramelize as normal simple sugars do. I plan on some things that will require caramelizing sugars so that they harden at normal room temps. Given that much, I will stick with regular sugar - light brown sugar to be preferred. I also do not see the ability to use Stevia to imitate certain sugar sources like Molasses, Can Sugar Syrup, Maple Syrup, Honey, Agave Syrup and so forth. So for these, I will use the actual sources and rule Stevia out.
I've been using stevia sweeteners for a couple years. It's much sweeter than sugar and you stop noticing the bitter aftertaste after a while. Stevia sweeteners are generally thought to be safe; the stevia plant leaves are recognized to interfere with fertility. I'm discontinuing my use of stevia sweeteners as there's some suspicion it may interfere with fertility, and also some clinical evidence it changes the intestinal flora, which for someone with Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a bit of a concern.
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