Who /What were the catalysts for your interest in the culinary arts ?


31 May 2017
Local time
2:17 PM
Growing up on the Mediterranean Seacoast with parents and grand-parents in the hospitality business, all excellent home gourmets, both in the Spanish Regional classics and modernity of Mediterranean cuisines, predominately Iberian, French and Italian for starters ..

Once I had decided upon my career path, Travel & Tourism, I had also attended Le Cordón Bleu and The Institute of Alain Ducasse. Reasons: To be able to learn the basic French classic techniques of food preparation and to become adept at improving my culinary skills.

Wishing everyone a healthy, wonderful and successful New Year ahead ..

I have always enjoyed playing with my food. Like you I have access to an abundance of wonderful, fresh seafood. Not the same as yours but still wonderful and plentiful. I also garden. What I do not grow I get from local growers at the Farmer's Market. Retirement has provided me with the time to experiment. I am an avid fan of cooking shows. Lots of inspiration. All of you on CB have provided me with additional inspiration.

I have been fortunate to have traveled a good bit within the U.S. Exposure to regional cuisines. I have only travel over seas twice - once to your lovely country and another time to England. Almost forgot - two cruises to the western Caribbean. When in port I deliberately sought out local dives instead of the in port tourist restaurants.

When we travel I research restaurants. Both Michelin Star and local dives. I enjoy fine dining - interestingly some of the best meals have been in off the beaten path, off the tourist map, local dives. If you want to get a feel for regional cuisine eat where the locals eat and not where the tourist eat.

So - many diverse influences and inspirations.

Yes, I absolutely agree with you in regard to local hidden off the main stem eateries and bars .. Holes in the Wall that have absolutely delectable food and wines. I have eaten on Oak Barrel Casks for tables in tiny hole in walls, I have eaten in Three Michelin status palatial manisons ..

I love both .. however, we reserve our Michelin adventures to special occasions ..

And have our Gastro Eno Escapes that we happen to find strolling or a friend or colleague recommends or that I read about .. Or that my fish mongers recommend; trusted sources or my parents or in laws or sons ..

Like you, I do same .. I do not frequent bars and restaurants with menus in four languages at Port of Call !! These are tourist dives !

Part of the enjoyment for me, is to be able to explore .. Must of been a Navigator !!! It is in the blood !!

Thanks for the feedback ..
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