
  1. Morning Glory

    New herbs

    I ordered (via the internet) some herbs I've never tried before: Epazote, Hyssop and Strawbini. The Epazoti is thanks to @CraigC (see here), a Mexican herb; the hyssop is whim and if anyone knows how to use it please tell me; the strawbini is not really a herb I suppose. Its a type of spinach...
  2. Morning Glory

    Freshening up herbs & salad leaves

    @timmyc wrote in another thread about freshening up parsley Well, I knew this trick but had completely forgotten about it so thanks @timmyc! I had some parsley which had gone distinctly limp and pretty well unusable and was about to throw it out - but then I remembered and plunged it into iced...
  3. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Bouquet Garni

    Yesterday I was following a recipe (in the vague sense that I usually follow such recipes) for making onion soup when I came across instructions to tie my herbs together for removal at the end of cooking. Lacking the option, at least easily, to tie them together I ended up chopping them and...
  4. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Persian Herb, Bean and Wheat Stew (Ash-e-Sholeh-Ghalamkar)

    This is one of those dishes that is not only flexible with the quantities for the ingredients, mixing and matching with whatever you've got available but looks like an awfully complicated recipe and the truth is ,it isn't . It's actually quite simple and is just a question of timing of you're...
  5. rascal

    Do you freeze your herbs?

    we are in summer here ATM. We have all year herbs like rosemary thyme parsley oregano. But what I can't grow all year round is coriander aka cilantro and basil. So in summer we grow as much of the latter herbs and freeze in handful quantities. I've grown coriander from seed for the first time...
  6. pinkcherrychef

    Herbs and spices help

    Well, here in Egypt it's kind o hard to find some things that I could find so easily in America. There are some herbs and spices here I don't even recognize either. That's normal though when living in a different country other than your homeland. It's rather hard to find a good resource to...
  7. LadyBelle

    Herbs abundance

    I (finally after 20 years of waiting) have a patio and one part is now allocated to growing herbs in pots. I’ve harvested some mint and after reading an article about pesto (basically it can be made with whatever you have not just the traditional basil & pinenut combo) I made mint pesto. It...
  8. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    New home, new spice cupboard

    So I've moved house and I've had to rehome all of my herbs and spices. Well mostly spices. My herbs are mainly frozen and I lost everything in the freezer (don't go there, I'm still ready to murder the culprit). I've had to try to fit all of my spices into a new setup and it's been very...
  9. Morning Glory

    Which herb(s) do you use the most?

    Do you crave coriander (cilantro)? Perhaps basil is your best buddy or parsley is your perfect pal. Does thyme tickle your fancy? Which herb(s) do you find yourself using the most?
  10. CraigC

    Recipe Potato Gratin Manchego

    This is a very rich gratin. A small portion of beef or chicken and a small salad or green vege would be perfect with this. Ingredients 3 heads of garlic, cloves separated but not peeled 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 quart half-and-half 1 tablespoon chopped thyme 1 teaspoon chopped...
  11. Morning Glory

    Your best stuffing mix

    Stuffing is traditional in a Christmas turkey but it can be useful all year round. Stuffing balls can be served separately from the meat or poultry and made vegan or vegetarian - which is what I will be doing. I'm still working on some ideas and would love to know your favourite stuffing recipes.
  12. Yorky

    Freezing herbs

    I've never attempted this before and I'm starting with coriander leaf and flat leaf parsley. Just a few springs of each went into the freezer this morning. I left the coriander "whole" with roots but chopped up the parsley. Has anyone else tried it with any success?
  13. ElizabethB

    Recipe Two Quick And Easy Ways To Use Your Garden Herbs

    Easy, delicious ways to use fresh herbs from your garden. Compound Butter Soft herbs work best. I have dill, basil, sage, thyme, oregano and flat leaf parsley. There is no precision to making compound butter. It is all about personal taste. I usually make 1 pound at a time. 1 lb. room...
  14. jennyb

    Which fresh herbs do use most often?

    We are asked to start new threads, so here goes. I use a lot of fresh thyme, basil and coriander. I keep meaning to try a wider range of fresh herbs in my cooking and its partly habit and partly availability which stops me. Which fresh herbs do you use the most and why?
  15. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Egg-in-a-hole

    I was searching for a title and after coming across bread being used instead of pastry for mini breakfast muffins, I decided to use an old favourite, toad-in-a-hole. Well there is neither a toad or a hole in toad-in-a-hole but at least with mine there is both and egg and a hole... I was trying...
  16. Rosyrain

    How long do they store well

    We have some herbs and spices that have been sitting in the cupboard for a couple of years now and I am wondering how long they last. Do dry herbs and spices ever go bad if they are stored properly?
  17. Morning Glory

    How many herbs and spices in your store cupboard?

    Today I was checking my supplies of dried herbs and spices as some seemed to be getting low. I usually buy most of them from Asian shops as they are so much cheaper than elsewhere. But anyway, I thought I'd count how many I have. TOTAL: 53. I suppose that's quite a lot by most people's...
  18. sixxup

    Meaty Herbs

    Which herbs do you like mixing with meat while cooking? Are the herbs just tasty or they have other health benefits?
  19. Corzhens

    herbs and spices and other edibles

    Our backyard garden is moderately small but it has a lot in terms of plants. We are not herb users but we have some herbs mostly given to us by friends. And some of those edibles growing around the house are not planted but wild. What's good is that we benefit from those plants that we need not...
  20. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Do you know the difference between a Herb and a Spice?

    Do you know the difference between a Herb and a Spice? I ask because I see so many people mixing the two up and genuinely not knowing the difference. It is quite easy to know the difference. A Herb is basically the green leaf and sometimes green stalk of a herbaceous (non-woody) plant. A...
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