
  1. W

    Recipe Dosas

    I use this recipe works every time 1 cup gram flour 1 cup plain flour 1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda 2 1/2 tsp mustard seeds 400ml water Mix dry ingredients together add enough water to make a loose batter. Add a spoonful of batter to a oiled frying pan as soon as the top bubbles flip over. I...
  2. Morning Glory


    Have you ever made dosas? I haven't ever tried but I think they are notoriously difficult. Traditionally they are made from a fermented batter made of rice and gram flour. I've seen them on TV being made in India on street stalls - large, paper thin and made in a few seconds. Jamie Oliver has...
  3. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Who is having pancakes today?

    So it's Shrove Tuesday today. March 5th. Who ' celebrates ' it with the start of Lent? And who just uses it as an excuse for pancakes? I know we fall in the latter category as just using it as an excuse to have pancakes. I only make them dairy free, not vegan. We have a surpluse of eggs having...
  4. The Late Night Gourmet

    Recipe Banana Pancakes

    I figured this one out in the closing days of the last Recipe Challenge, but didn't bother to check when the deadline was, so I missed out. But, that won't stop me from sharing it. Here's the link to my food blog: When I first decided to make...
  5. BBFoodThoughts

    Pancakes or Waffles?

    So in my house my husband and I are in conflict on which is better. I understand that they are both different. I understand most people can like both. However, for him it is a texture issue and for me its a substance issue. Can you tell yet I am all about pancakes?!? Anyway do you have your...
  6. medtran49

    Recipe Baghrir with almond butter filling

    The original pancake recipe came from but I thinned it out a bit to make the pancakes more crepe-like so I could spread a filling on and fold. I added a chocolate drizzle, but lost the picture unfortunately. They were just slightly sweet and made an excellent dessert...
  7. Morning Glory

    Recipe Galettes De Sarrasin (Buckwheat Pancakes)

    Buckwheat pancakes are a speciality of Northern France. This is a vegan version of the pancake, devised through trial and error on my part. Its also gluten free and dairy free. I couldn't resist using an egg in the filling which of course, isn't vegan - but there are lots of other fillings you...
  8. Morning Glory

    Pancake Day - tell us your favourite way to cook pancakes.

    In the UK, Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday, is the traditional feast day before the start of Lent. Shrove Tuesday was the traditionally the last opportunity to use up eggs and fats before embarking on the Lenten fast and pancakes are the perfect way of using up these ingredients. This year...
  9. Chief Longwind

    Recipe Chief Longwind's World Famous Pancakes

    Yeh, BT, you knew it was coming. I put this thread here because pancakes have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember:hungry: (that's about three minutes any more). Anyways, my dear old grandpa used to cook them when I'd visit with my Dad on a Saturday morning. He always ussed...
  10. B

    Recipe American Pancakes

    Here is a recipe from a good buddy, a guy I consider my internet older brother, Chief Longwind. A truely great guy, wonderful father, and not a bad cook. (I can only teach him so much). Ingredients: Dry Ingrediants: 1 cup all-purpose flour (125 g) 2 tbs. Sugar ½ tsp. Salt 3 tsp. Double Acting...
  11. Cinisajoy

    Recipe American Pancakes

    Pancakes 1-1/ 4 cups all purpose flour 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons double acting baking powder 3/4 teaspoon salt 1 egg beaten 1 1/3 cups milk 3 tablespoons oil In a large bowl, mix first 4 ingredients. Add the egg, milk and oil. Stir until blended. Heat a skillet or griddle over medium...
  12. patriziamariapia

    american pancake recipe request

    Hello everybody, I'm Patrizia from Milano (Italy) I need the recipe of american pancake. Can anybody help me? Thanks.
  13. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Courgette, Pea and Sweetcorn Pancakes

    I had planned this for an evening meal this last week (to go with some additional veg and a cheese sauce made from wither potatoes or cauliflower (I hadn't decided at that point)) but my broken ribs have slowed me down to a virtual halt and I can do no more. Ingredients: 500g courgettes...
  14. C

    Recipe Multigrain Vegan Pancakes

    Ingredients 240g spelt flour 180g oat flour 30g baking powder 30g ground linseeds (flaxseeds) 1/2 teaspoon salt 825ml soya milk 4 tablespoons apple sauce 2 tablespoons agave nectar 1 1/2 tablespoons vanilla extract, or to taste 300g blueberries Method Whisk spelt flour, oat flour, baking...
  15. dablak

    Drink pairing with pancakes

    Hi, as today is pancake day, we're preparing pancakes and crepes for dinner. Savoury and sweet. I'm not sure of what type of drink to have with the pancakes. I was thinking about something that can go well with savoury and sweet. Is it sparkling wine, like prosecco, something that could pair...
  16. cupcakechef

    Pancakes versus Waffles

    I feel like when it comes to sweet things for breakfast, people are in either one of two camps as their favorite/preferred choice. People are usually either waffle lovers or pancake lovers. Sure, you can enjoy both, but some people have a really distinct preference. I'd have to say that if I...
  17. C

    Recipe Crispy Pancakes

    Ingredients for the filling: 1 tblsp butter 1 medium onion (diced) 1 tblsp mild curry spices 1 clove of garlic (chopped) 1 knob of ginger (chopped) 1 tblsp tomato purée 1 handful shredded leftover chicken 1 tsp coriander (chopped) for the pancakes: 1 cup self raising flour 1 cup milk 1 egg for...
  18. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    Recipe Carrot Pancakes

    Carrot Pancakes come from here and whilst the photo does not do them any justice, they are quite tasty... at least the one I had for lunch was (after a number of dairy to non-dairy substitutions had...
  19. C

    Recipe Guinness® Pancakes

    “Thanks be to God we lived so long and did so much good.” James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Ingredients 175g Plain Flour 2 tbsp Sugar 1 tbsp Cocoa Powder 1 tsp Baking Powder 1/2 tsp Bicarbonate of Soda 1/2 tsp Salt 1 Egg 125ml Milk 125ml Guinness 1 tsp Vanilla Extract 2 tbsp...
  20. Diane Lane

    Recipe Autumn Breakfast - Pumpkin Pancakes with Sweet Apple Cider Syrup

    I love Fall, so am always looking around for recipes that include apple, pumpkin, cranberries, and the related spices. This one looks like a winner, although I can't say it looks all that healthy, or suitable for those on a diet. Since I usually have pretty light breakfasts, I would probably...
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