A pasta diet?

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
6:23 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Can you lose weight eating pasta? I'm not sure its in any way proven but since I've been eating pasta I have lost weight. I used to rarely eat it on the assumption it was calorific, but recently I've been experimenting with eating smaller portions. Instead of the packet recommended amount (dry weight) of 75g -100g, I've been eating 50g-60g as a portion. This amounts to around 200 calories.

I'm careful what I use as sauce and make sure it contains almost zero fat. So, for example, last night I simply used fresh tomatoes, basil & grated garlic, then grated a little parmesan over the top. Mixing a little of the pasta water into the sauce gives a creamy effect. This whole dish came in at under 300 calories. The great thing is that it is really quite filling and there are loads of different options for the accompanying sauces.

Next up is crab with chilli and coriander.

Example: Skinny Spaghetti al Tonno (Tuna Spaghetti)

One thing pasta has going for it is that it fills you up. I can feel "satisfied" with a smaller portion of food if pasta is a main component. Portion sizes are very important when it comes to losing weight.


The other good thing is that it doesn't get too boring as there are so many options for accompanying sauces (and different pasta shapes). Ravioli can be made with low calorie fillings too.
The other good thing is that it doesn't get too boring as there are so many options for accompanying sauces (and different pasta shapes). Ravioli can be made with low calorie fillings too.
Ravioli and Tortellini, make with light crème fresh chopped scallion an Anchovy.
I suppose lucky I never have issue with weight, I 44.5 kilo an 155 cm tall and been so since 17.

Sarana x
This is true! My Tesco delivery was minus the one packet I ordered.
I went to the Co-op this morning for a few basics and had a look around, entirely out of nosiness. The pasta shelves were reduced to a couple of packets of spaghetti and there wasn't a toilet roll to be seen.

As I said to the woman at the till, "What's the betting that in about six months' time, there will be thousands of packs of unused pasta getting thrown into bins across the country?"
As I said to the woman at the till, "What's the betting that in about six months' time, there will be thousands of packs of unused pasta getting thrown into bins across the country?"
That's exactly what I said earlier! :) :hug:
Other things missing from my Tesco order were bread flour & yeast. They subbed SR Flour for bread flour. I do have some 000 flour so could make my own pasta with that. I'm now wondering how SR flour will work for making bread. I do have some yeast left in the store cupboard.
Pasta very good it release energy slowly. Good fish an lean meats give low calorie measure. Vegetable almost zero.

Sarana x

Depends on your pasta. Here in America the carbs are released quickly, and I suspect the same is true in Britain. You are in Italy, where GOOD pasta is a thing. Here - nope - here most pasta you buy in supermarkets (where most of us in the US obtain it) is junk food.
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