A slimy problem!


2 Mar 2017
Local time
2:55 PM
I've just been cooking a frozen tuna steak, and it has produced - exuded is the word - a disgusting white slime which set or congealed in the pan as it got hotter.
It looks like the same sort of snot that comes out of bacon when you cook that
The only ingredient listed on the packet is tuna, but I wonder if they've pumped it with phosphate or something like that, and that they are allowed to do so without declaring it?

I've scraped it off, and I'll eat the fish, but I'd like to know if this is normal, or if there is any way of avoiding it in future?
Perhaps I could leave the fish in cold water overnight, so that it would thaw and hopefully leach out any chemicals
Yes, from frozen
It is protein leaching out with water. With bacon it happens when the meat has been injected with water to bulk it up. With tuna it might be because it has been frozen. Did you cook it from frozen?
Yes, from frozen

So from your answer I'm already thinking that I'll try thawing & soaking it overnight next time
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