Advice on sourdough cracker baking production for sale!


Regular Member
13 Aug 2020
Local time
12:44 AM

I am looking to make sourdough crackers for my local cheese store and need some advice on a couple of production techniques to nail the quality and consistency.

1. I need a solid way of getting the thickness I want. Currently using pastry rulers at a thickness of 2mm but it is still too thick. I need to go to 1.5mm I think, but I can't find any online. Any suggestions or ideas how to go about how to get a consistent thickness on my roll?

2. Need a way to get a consistent cut on the shape and size of each cracker. At the moment I am using a ruler and a straight edge.

3. I need a way to prick them evenly so they don't bubble. At the moment I am just using a fork but its not very even. I have found out about pizza dockers but they are all too big, prick spacing wise, for what I need. Any suggestions? Perhaps it doesn't even matter but would be nice to look professional!

4. When I bake them they curl up. How do I stop them from curling so I can keep them nice and flat?

5. General Advice on baking. These are sourdough and whole wheat flour sourdough cookies mixed with butter, salt, pepper and rosemary. I am cooking them at 180 degrees Celsius (356F) fan oven for 15 minuets. It's difficult to get them all evenly cooked and some have to go back in for a little longer up to 20 mins probably because of uneven rolling (I am rolling them a little thinner even after using the rulers). Would it be better to cook them for longer at a lower temp say 170C or even 160C (338F/320F).

Many thanks for any advice, pictures below!

Pastry rolled pre bake

Pastry Baked. You can see the inconsistency in the colour in the top and bottom half where the top half has baked more

Example of sort of arrangement the crackers would be inside packet (20 pieces)

Example of crooked cracker
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Welcome to CookingBites tobyscrackers. If you have a moment please do go to New to CookingBites? and tell us a bit more about yourself.

Regarding your questions, I'm not in the best position to answer as baking is not really my forte. Others here may be able to help more. One thing I would say though, is that if your crackers look a little 'rustic' then this might well add to their appeal!
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