Recipe Albacore - Robagusti Bread Fish Cake


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
6:17 PM
Albacore - Robagusti Fish Cake:

NOTE: This recipe is quite simple, once the Robagusti Bread has been created.



1) Albacore Tuna (canned in Water) - 5 Oz.
2) Robagusti Bread - equal volume to Albacore
3) Cream Cheese - 5 to 6 Tblspns.


1) Open Albacore Can.
2) Drain away Water.
3) Put Albacore and Robagusti in a mixing bowl.

NOTE: There is no need to pick out the large bits and pieces of vegetables and meat in the Robagusti. Leave it in as it is part of the flavor experience.

4) Thoroughly mash Albacore and Robagusti together.
5) Add the Cream Cheese and Thoroughly mix to even consistency.
6) In a baking pan, mold the mixture to a desired shape.
7) Crumble and sprinkle on additional Robagusti.
8) Pat the crumbs to the sides of the molded cake.
9) Bake in a microwave oven for 3 to 4 minutes.

NOTE: Use a microwave to avoid browning the top of the cake.

NOTE: As the cake is cooked, it will tend to flatten and expand out. Simply remold it using a fork or butter knife.

10) Prepare the serving dish to receive the cake.
11) Use a spatula to lift and transfer the cake to the serving dish.
12) Remold the cake if necessary after the transfer.
13) Garnish or add sides as desired.
14) Serve.
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