American Thanksgiving Thursday 26th November


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
1:33 PM
SE Australia
I don't know much about America. Thanksgiving is one of those things that is alien to me but it seems like a good idea, get the family together around the table and have a meal. But I'm guessing there is more to it than that?

Why is it traditionally associated with turkey?
Why is the date not fixed? At least I don't think it is, is it?
What other foods are eaten?
Have you started your planning yet or is that a weekend job?
Do you even celebrate it anymore?
We are celebrating with my inlaws family this year. We usually have turkey and a bunch of sides - sweet potato casserole, green beans, macaroni and cheese, corn, carrots - and then there's the sweets! We usually have apple pie, pumpkin pie and pecan pie. Thanksgiving is new to me having married an American but growing up in Australia - but it's one of the holidays I enjoy the most!
My family celebrates the Thanksgiving day by eating a very big meal together, play games and eat all the things we do not eat every day. It is a fun day. We start to cook that Wednesday before Thanksgiving day. We do have a large turkey, ham, roast beef and several desserts and fresh bread. Thanksgiving day is the beginning of the holiday shopping and birthdays for my family. We have 3 birthdays starting on Thanksgiving day ending on December 20. Very busy time.
I don't know much about America. Thanksgiving is one of those things that is alien to me but it seems like a good idea, get the family together around the table and have a meal. But I'm guessing there is more to it than that?

Why is it traditionally associated with turkey?
Why is the date not fixed? At least I don't think it is, is it?
What other foods are eaten?
Have you started your planning yet or is that a weekend job?
Do you even celebrate it anymore?
No, Thanksgiving is always on Thursday. It is Thursday Nov. 26. I goofed up this year, and thought it was a week earlier on a Thursday. I bought most of my groceries already. I am going to the store today and will get most of the other stuff. We are getting a fresh turkey this year., which has a better taste than the frozen birds. I am also making a fresh cranberry sauce. I do love to cook,( and of course eat,) so it will be a good day. My son is coming down as well. Oh in answer to the questions it is always the third Thursday n Nov. Not sure why it was associated with turkeys, I don't think the pilgrims had it. Mashed potatoes, gravy sweet potatoes, cranberries, vegetables, rolls and pie are traditonal. Yes, I celebrate and it is a very big holiday over here...I don't know anyone who doesn't celebrate it! We always enjoy friends and family and watch football.
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It's always on Thursday, around the end of November. I presume that the traditional foods are similar to foods served at the first celebration, although I'm guessing they have "evolved" some since that time.

We do turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, bread, veggies, stuffing, and dessert for the most part. There is generally some fruit as well, even if only in the form of cranberry sauce.
For setting foot on dry land again or a good harvest?
It was their thankfulness in making through a long hard winter. It was a very rough winter in Plymouth and many of the settlers died as a result of illness and probably would have starved to death if not for the kindness of the Indians. The early settlers in this country had it very rough..Many from Jamestown, and Plymouth died of starvation and disease, and Roanoke ISland the first first AM. colony in North Carolina, disappeared and no one knows what happened to them. YOur history for the day!! Maybe if they had been clever cooks like we are they might have lived!! I jest of course, it was tragic.
It was their thankfulness in making through a long hard winter. It was a very rough winter in Plymouth and many of the settlers died as a result of illness and probably would have starved to death if not for the kindness of the Indians. The early settlers in this country had it very rough..Many from Jamestown, and Plymouth died of starvation and disease, and Roanoke ISland the first first AM. colony in North Carolina, disappeared and no one knows what happened to them. YOur history for the day!! Maybe if they had been clever cooks like we are they might have lived!! I jest of course, it was tragic.
Oh and their great harvest, that would allow them to make it through another one!!! I should have said that up above.
In Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving the second Monday in October. It is a statutory holiday in most of the Canada. It is celebrated very similar to how it is celebrated in the USA.
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