Recipe Anchovy, Spinach and Quinoa Salad


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
4:58 PM
Anchovy, Spinach and Quinoa Salad:



1) Anchovies rolled on capers - 2 oz. tin with 10 to 12 rolls
2) Spinach, baby - 1/2 cup
3) Quinoa (white) - 1/2 cup
3) Mushrooms - 3 to 4
4) Tomato, Roma - 1
5) Cheese, cheddar, extra sharp - 1 thick slice
6) Cheese, Swiss - 1 thick slice


1) Cover a salad plate with baby spinach leaves.
2) Cut the mushrooms and tomato in 1" pieces.
3) Cube the cheese in 1/4" cubes or smaller.
4) Cover the spinach with the mushrooms.
5) Sprinkle on quinoa to cover the spinach and mushrooms.
6) Layer on the tomato.
7) Drop on the cheese cubes.
8) Sprinkle on more quinoa.
9) Drop on the anchovy rolls.

NOTE: Use the olive oil that the anchovies are packed in as a dressing.

10) Serve.
The colors are making me hungry, very nice salad. Anchovies, olives and cheddar/swiss? For me it's an odd combination, I would prefer feta cheese or mozzarella, but what do the people say "always try out new things" and your salad would be something I would like to try out.
Stay healthy
The colors are making me hungry, very nice salad. Anchovies, olives and cheddar/swiss? For me it's an odd combination, I would prefer feta cheese or mozzarella, but what do the people say "always try out new things" and your salad would be something I would like to try out.
Stay healthy

I was considering feta cheese, but didn't have any in the fridge. I didn't use olives, but could have.
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