Another Way To Share Food


Wannabe TV Chef
19 Nov 2021
Local time
2:25 AM
Central/Northern AZ, gateway to The Grand Canyon
I saw this on Face Book back in July 2023, it struck a cord in my soul.


(photo credit

We have been so very, very fortunate/blessed in our lives.
My husband and I had discussed that we'd do something like this for some time, but then, well, life got in the way.
Random Acts Of Kindness were all the buzz back when, and then fell away when the World got knocked off of its axis because of Covid.
We see the World righting itself recently and decided to look into making a donation.
I called our local middle school (right at the end of our long boulevard) and talked to the "head lunch lady".
She told me that there are many children who can't pay for their breakfast and/or lunch; that a special "Angel Account" was created with donated monies to help ALL of these kids out.
I asked her how much monies they use of this fund in a school year and wrote a check to cover it.

I love to share the dishes that I make with others, and I thought that helping to feed our local kids was my avenue in that direction.
Or how we say "Spread Aloha".
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That's lovely and so kind of you.

Today I read this story that in one part of the States parents are being threatened with having their children taken away from them if they can't pay their lunch bills: Parents warned their children could be put in foster care over school lunch debt

As an aside, nobody has ever offered to buy me a coffee in Starbucks (and admittedly, nor have I ever offered to buy one for anyone else). Has this happened to anyone here?
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As an aside, nobody has evervoffered to buy me a coffee in Starbucks (and admittedly, nor have I ever offered to buy one for anyone else). Has this happened to anyone here?
No, but honestly I've never bought coffee from Starbucks, and can't recall ever buying coffee anywhere before (I only drink it at home). I can't say a stranger has ever offered to buy me anything other than when I was a single girl in my 20s at clubs when young men offered to buy me drinks and we know what the motivation likely was there.
As an aside, nobody has ever offered to buy me a coffee in Starbucks (and admittedly, nor have I ever offered to buy one for anyone else). Has this happened to anyone here?
Someone would occasionally buy me something when I was in the military and happened to be getting a quick bite or something while in uniform, and both MrsT and I will pay for someone’s meal if they’re a veteran or emergency services or something like that. If you want to go broke doing that, just go to Cracker Barrel around here - half the people in there seem to be vets!
Someone would occasionally buy me something when I was in the military and happened to be getting a quick bite or something while in uniform, and both MrsT and I will pay for someone’s meal if they’re a veteran or emergency services or something like that. If you want to go broke doing that, just go to Cracker Barrel around here - half the people in there seem to be vets!
Apparently I dont get out much these days unless it's a paid work assignment. Mostly I'm doing takeout assignments...

I do 💘 altruism.
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DH & I will buy lunch or what have you for a table full of First Responders, every time, as a random act of kindness.
When I saw this post on Face Book, DH & I talked about this yet again, how could we help someone else who truly needed the help and decided on donating to our local kids, this is what hit me between the eyes, in my gut and right through my heart.
The World has been in turmoil for years, is there a way that we could make just one person more comfortable in this absolutely crazy time?
That's lovely and so kind of you.

Today I read this story that in one part of the States parents are being threatened with having their children taken away from them if they can't pay their lunch bills: Parents warned their children could be put in foster care over school lunch debt

As an aside, nobody has ever offered to buy me a coffee in Starbucks (and admittedly, nor have I ever offered to buy one for anyone else). Has this happened to anyone here?
vernplum I read that newspaper article from 2019, no fair to these kids, or parents.
I'm so glad that our County has a program like "Angel Account" that is funded by donations.
I saw this on Face Book back in July 2023, it struck a cord in my soul.

View attachment 110543
(photo credit

We have been so very, very fortunate/blessed in our lives.
My husband and I had discussed that we'd do something like this for some time, but then, well, life got in the way.
Random Acts Of Kindness were all the buzz back when, and then fell away when the World got knocked off of its axis because of Covid.
We see the World righting itself recently and decided to look into making a donation.
I called our local middle school (right at the end of our long boulevard) and talked to the "head lunch lady".
She told me that there are many children who can't pay for their breakfast and/or lunch; that a special "Angel Account" was created with donated monies to help ALL of these kids out.
I asked her how much monies they use of this fund in a school year and wrote a check to cover it.

I love to share the dishes that I make with others, and I thought that helping to feed our local kids was my avenue in that direction.
Or how we say "Spread Aloha".

Just before covid I went to my old house and had a meeting with the principal.
My school Is now a decile 1 the lowest.
I asked how can I help.?
They said they needed the fence around the pool.
I know a lot of people out there so I went and hot finding for that 13k.
They then asked if I could get funding for changing sheds ?
I went back to my guy and got another 13k for sheds
And not 1 thank you!!
They approached me again and asked for help?
I said I only helping for y months. I'm done.. not even a reply.

I wont offer again.

Buying 'first responders' food wouldn't happen here. They can't afford to eat out with our food prices and it's not really ok to wear your uniform in a cafe or restaurant.

A lot of the services actually explicitly forbid it. If you're wearing the uniform, you represent that trust or division and are not technically employed by them when on a break or travelling to or from work. If you assist whilst in uniform outside of your contracted hours oof you'll hear about it. You get told you're not insured, if something happens and the person you helped decided you were negligent you would be on your own but also damage the trusts reputation.

You can find yourself in a disciplinary just for wearing a uniform out. You even have to change to go out of the building to buy a sandwich at lunch time!
Sort of related, I suppose, but we also occasionally buy big bags of quality dog food and drop it by the local animal shelter. They have drives a couple of times a year for that, but if I’m in the store and remember, I’ll pick up a big bag (and some wet for the old toothless ones) and swing it by.
Uniforms - we had rules (of course!) when I was in the military - fast food, picking up a to-go order somewhere, uniform was fine off-base, but if you were sitting to eat, no on the uniform. Same with shopping. No uniforms at all in an off-base bar.

The funny thing was, when Desert Shield/Storm started, everyone in the community was super-patriotic, so we were actually encouraged to wear our uniforms off-base as much as possible, and rules around that relaxed a little.

When I completed my initial technical training, it was mandated that I had to sign out and leave the base in uniform. My intention was to change at our first stop (my parents drove down from Ohio to Mississippi to pick me up and drive me back).

Our first stop happened to be for supper, a couple of hours north, and we went in, ordered, and I changed while we waited for our food.

Came time for the bill, and the waitress matter-of-factory said, “You don’t pay. You’re a service boy. It’s on the house.” - this was years and years before “thank you for your service” became a common thing.

Flying to the UK, I had to fly in uniform, as it was a contracted flight. Regular big airliner, nothing military-looking about it, but it was an active-duty service members and family, being transferred overseas, and uniform was mandated.

Here, it’s common to see police officers, EMT’s, firefighters getting a quick meal at a restaurant. It’s not frowned upon, it’s welcomed. Restaurant owners and customers generally like having a police presence, at least around here.
Sort of related, I suppose, but we also occasionally buy big bags of quality dog food and drop it by the local animal shelter. They have drives a couple of times a year for that, but if I’m in the store and remember, I’ll pick up a big bag (and some wet for the old toothless ones) and swing it by.
I do something similar, I take our old towels, linens, and blankets to the local Humane Society ... they have a drop off outside of the shelter, thank goodness, because if I went inside, I'd probably walk out with five dogs!!!
I looked into Angel Accounts here and found out breakfast and lunch are free for all students for the 2023-2024 school year. Have to try and remember to look again when it's time for the 2024-2025 school year.
That's great, medtran49 how did that happen? Does the State of Florida cover the cost?
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