Anyone any experience of larding needles and/or a pork needle?

24 Mar 2023
Local time
9:38 PM
Somerset & Costa Tropical Spain
The meat in Spain is mostly not as tender as it is in the UK so I’m thinking a larding needle might be useful as although it wont tenderise the meat ensuring it stays moist will help.
The search threw up another type of meat needle used for tenderising that would be faster and easier than larding but I have no experience of either.
The only thing I’ve ever used is a tenderising hammer.

Meat Tenderiser - Pork Needle,kitchen,108&sr=1-4

Any views or clues from the pews?
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The meat in Spain is mostly not as tender as it is in the UK so I’m thinking a larding needle might be useful as although it wont tenderise the meat ensuring it stays moist will help.
The search threw up another type of meat needle used for tenderising that would be faster and easier than larding but I have no experience of either.
The only thing I’ve ever used is a tenderising hammer.

Meat Tenderiser - Pork Needle,kitchen,108&sr=1-4

Any views or clues from the pews?

On another thread I mentioned roast beef. My mate (ex butcher) does mine like this. 1 inch fat in middle and a layer of fatty meat around the beef only.

Honestly I've never heard of this. I'll be following out of curiosity.
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