Anyone love eating almonds?


10 Sep 2013
Local time
11:01 PM
I love eating almonds and they are my favorite nuts to eat. I have recently started eating them on my salads and I quite enjoy them. I also like to eat them as a snack whenever I have the munchies. How about you do you like almonds?
Strangely, I can eat marzipan until it comes out of my ears, but almonds on their own - not really :scratchhead:
I'm not a big fan in nuts in their raw state, except maybe cashews.

So I like roasted salted nuts mostly, but also smoked almonds. I had a tiny bag on a KLM flight, first time I'd come across them, and they're a real treat now.
I'm not really a fan of almonds unless its in a chocolate bar or covered with some other sticky substance.
I like roasted almonds as long as it comes with some salad, dessert and so on.

Definitely I love them in chocolate, marzipan, but specially almonds mixed with other nuts in a Spanish nougat called "turrón."
I like eating almonds in desserts as well, but I love eating them plain. I use to eat them only in desserts until o decided to eat some plain to see If I like them. I discovered that I did like them and now I mostly eat them plain but I will eat them in a salad and with dessert.
I really like eating nuts but almonds are definitely not one of my favourites. I enjoy them when it comes as a part of those premade nut mixes but I wouldn't buy them on their own.
I found out that almonds are a good source of iron as is other nuts. That is one of the reasons why I eat nuts. The other is because they tadte good too. I like almonds the best because they taste really good to me. I use to eat only pecans, but a friend introduced me to almonds and I have loved them ever ever since. I still eat other nuts too as well.
I am definitely a fruits and nuts person. I will happily demolish a pile of either if it is left lying around within reach....:whistling:

LOL I would do the same thing too. That is why my friends keep a close eye on me when they have nuts around.
I love eating almonds as well. My favorite way to eat them is definitely in the form of almond butter. I have almond butter on some form of whole wheat toast on an almost daily basis. Sometimes I will even just eat it straight, but I have to be cautious of the amount I eat. I also love dark chocolate covered almonds or granola bars with almonds. I even like vanilla almond milk as an alternative to cow's milk. Overall, I clearly like and consume a lot of almonds!
Wow that is a lot of almonds. I haven't tried almond butter before. I will have to get me some and see how I like it. I like dark chocolate covered almonds as well, but I don't like almond milk that much. Have you ever tried the trail mix bars with almonds? Those are awesome.
I love nuts. All sorts of nuts the only nut I don't like us Brazilian nuts all the rest I would eat everyday
When I was younger I hated almonds, but now I find myself digging for them in mixed nuts bags. I don't know what the change was, but I like the texture of them better now than ever.
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