Appetizers for cocktails (wedding)


25 Sep 2014
Local time
2:00 PM
My fiancee and I will get married soon, but we are just planning a small wedding. So, we will not go with traditional reception and just have cocktails with the guests instead. I was wondering if any of you can share recipes for easy and light appetizers/sandwiches. Thanks in advance!
Since it is your wedding, you should serve foods that the two of you both enjoy. There are a number of ways to have appetizers that are economical, but instead of sandwiches, which are casual and not special occasion fare, I would suggest sliders and miniature versions of fancier food dishes. Think about the experiences the two of you have had and what your favorite meals together have involved and go from there.
My fiancee and I will get married soon, but we are just planning a small wedding. So, we will not go with traditional reception and just have cocktails with the guests instead. I was wondering if any of you can share recipes for easy and light appetizers/sandwiches. Thanks in advance!
I'm not sure where you live and what ingredients are available to you. Can you get quail's eggs, for example? Fresh Crab? I have a lot of recipes but it depends on how adventurous you want to be and the ingredients you can get. If you could supply a bit more detail?
First ,congratulations on your up coming wedding ,
I would say keep it all cold, no last minute heating etc,so every one can enjoy the day
I get a little olive oil pastry ,called a ragout she'll ,there are 64 in a packet and they are really easy to use,
Also little squares of toasted bread and square of rye bread ,then you top these with ,
Things like
Avocado and Tom salsa
Chicken liver parfait and red onion
Chopped salt beef and horseradish
Chopped,smoked bacon and mustard seed
Smoked salmon and cream cheese
Also a easy canapé is fresh crab spice it up with a little chilli and fresh coriander and serve on a tea spoon garnished with lime
Palmiers are a good one ,a flat squashed sausage roll ,or just do mini sausage rolls with a twist ,sausage and apricot ,or goats cheese and roasted pepper
I do a salmon mousse rolled in pinned out brown bread called a pin wheel
Beef carpaccio crostini
Mini ceased salad served it the heart of the baby gem
Prawn and mint wrapped in rice wrappers
These should give you some ideas of cold ones ,from the top,of my head ,I love doing hot canapés as well ,my list could be endless,if you want any more advice on the above ,tag me in and I'll do my best to explain in depth
Good luck and enjoy your day
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