Baking trays gone mouldy


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
12:05 AM
SE Australia
I opened the oven for the first time in a few months earlier today, only to find that everything in there including the grill shelf and all my baking trays and roasting tins.

This was the least affected.


What do you reckon? Are they all goners? Can any be saved or would it be safer just not to risk it?
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Just clean them.
First with water and soap. Then with vinegar.
It will kill the mould
They are heavily pitted and 'charred' with much use, and not shiny or smooth, not like new which would come off more easily.

And that example above was after an inital wash, which I probably should have mentioned.
I opened the oven for the first time in a few months earlier today, only to find that everything in there including the grill shelf and all my baking trays and roasting tins.
I had to buy a new microwave last week and they had a set of 3 baking trays for $10.
Bought them and chucked out the old ones (about 30 years old) which, while not mouldy, were rusty.
Those with sides, you could pour Bleach and/or vinegar water in them, then let them sit for a while. Putting them in the oven at high heat should also take care of the problem.
Those with sides, you could pour Bleach and/or vinegar water in them, then let them sit for a while. Putting them in the oven at high heat should also take care of the problem.
I don't think you're supposed to use both bleach and vinegar at the same time. One or the other but not both together.

I agree that after cleaning the high heat will kill the mold.
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