Recipe Basic kimchi


Forum GOD!
3 Dec 2017
Local time
1:50 PM
SE Florida
I was requested to post this on another forum so thought I would put it here as well.

Kimchi - This is a small batch but can be easily doubled or tripled if you eat a lot or have a large family.

1 (2-pound) napa cabbage, cut into eighths, then 1 inch wide pieces, discarding root
1/3 cup kosher salt
cold tap water as needed
8 ounces daikon radish, peeled and coarsely grated
1/4 of an Asian pear, peeled and coarsely grated
4 medium scallions, ends trimmed, cut into 1/2 inch pieces (use all parts)
1/4 cup Korean red pepper powder (gochugaru)
1/4 cup fish sauce
1/4 cup peeled and minced fresh ginger (from about a 2-ounce piece)
1 Tbsp minced garlic cloves (from 6 to 8 medium cloves)
2 tsp Korean salted shrimp, minced
1-1/2 tsp granulated sugar
1 Tbsp rice (NOT minute rice), ground in a spice grinder - optional

NOTES: You can substitute salad radishes for the daikon if you can't find it. A medium ripe Bosc pear can be substituted for the Asian pear. You can also substitute the salted shrimp with dried shrimp found in the Latin spices area. Badia is a popular and common brand.

For a vegan/vegetarian version, omit the shrimp entirely or use a 2 inch square piece of kombu during fermentation (remove before storing). You can make a substitute for fish sauce by simmering 1-1/2 cups of water, 1/8 ounce of dried sliced shiitake mushrooms, 1-1/2 Tbsp of salt, and 1 Tbsp of soy sauce over medium heat until reduced by half, strain, cool, and store in fridge for up to 3 weeks.

Freeze any remaining red pepper powder. It will mold if you don't.

Some people use rice, some don't. I've used grits in it as noted below.

EVERYTHING must be CLEAN. I sterilize the jar(s) and lid(s) with boiling water just to be safe. As always, if in doubt, throw it out. I'll admit, even though I've made this and other fermented/cured products, I'll always eat a tiny bit the day before we are actually going to have it just to make sure. I don't want to get anybody else sick EVER.

Place the cabbage in a large bowl, sprinkle with the salt, and toss with your hands until the cabbage is coated. Add enough cold tap water to just cover making sure the cabbage is mostly submerged. You can put a plate on top of it and weight it down with a can of something if you wish. Cover with plastic wrap or a baking sheet and let sit at room temperature at least 4 hours and up to 24 hours.

Place a colander in the sink, drain the cabbage, and rinse with cold water. Gently squeeze out the excess liquid and transfer to a medium bowl; set aside.

Place the remaining ingredients in a large bowl and stir to combine. Add the cabbage and mix with your hands until thoroughly and evenly combined. Pack the mixture tightly into a clean 2-quart or 2-liter glass jar with a lid you can tighten and seal the jar. Do NOT tighten the lid all the way down. You need to leave it slightly loose so that gas can escape and the jar won't explode. Let sit in a cool, dark place for 24-48 hours (you should see some bubbles). Open the jar to let the gases escape, then reseal and refrigerate at least 72 hours before eating. Refrigerate for up to 1 month. It will get stronger tasting as it ferments
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I've made the above quite a few times and have even played with it to make fusion kimchi and dumplings for a dumpling challenge.

Korean/Cajun/Creole/Low Country andouille, shrimp and grits. Kimchee had the trinity and some grits (some kimchis use rice), as well as homemade Creole spice from Paul Prudhomme's mix. Dumpling filling was ground pork, andouille, shrimp, red bell pepper, kimchi, a bit of tamari (instead of soy sauce), a bit of sesame oil, S and P. Sauce was a play on Paul Prudhomme's brown sauce for fish.

Korean/Cuban Sandwich. Used the basic kimchi recipe but substituted the pear for cucumber for the pickles used in the sammie. If I ever do again, will use a lot more cukes and less cabbage, a little less gochugaru and more cumin. Filling was ground pork, ham, swiss cheese, some tamari, sesame oil, more cumin, S and P. Sauce was rice wine vinegar, sugar, garlic, red pepper flakes brought to a boil, cooled, lime juice and cilantro.

They were both actually quite good, but we liked the Korean/Cajun ones the best.

Point I was making with this post though is you can play with the basic recipe until you get it to your liking.
Making kimchi has been on my 'to do' list for ages now. Fermented food is all the rage. I can't get Asian pears here though. I'm sure something else could be subbed or it could be omitted?
There's a substitution under NOTES or you can omit, though I would add a bit extra sugar if you omit.
2 tsp Korean salted shrimp, minced
I was going to say that I consider anchovies essential to the flavor, but that’s why these are here. I will have to get these the next time I make kimchi (@morning glory: anchovies are a sub for these, though I need to try the shrimp so I can see what I’m missing).

Great recipe. Diakon radish is another thing I consider essential.
I hate commercial sauerkraut too, but when I make it at home, it's pretty good. I still won't eat it by itself, but I like it when it's part of something, like a Reuben.

I like kimchi by itself when it's fairly fresh, but after it ferments for a while, I prefer it mixed in other things like seafood pancakes or fried rice or dumplings.

I made a batch of kimchi, and I use a little trick to create the color. I didn’t feel like buying a whole red cabbage, so I decided to use a single beet root. I really wish I had photographed the evolution from day to day as the color of the beet started to drain into the liquid. It’s hard to tell now which is which, but the wedge at the top is beet, and most of the others are diakon radish.

I forgot to buy the shrimp, so I used bonito (fish flakes), which I know are not the same thing. I chopped up an anchovy to provide the saltiness. I also forgot to buy a pear, darn it. Next time, though. There will definitely be in next time.
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I had an apple that was 1 of 2 we had bought for something else and then only used 1, so I used about 1/2 of the apple instead of the pear this time. I also have this jar sitting in a bowl since it's so full, don't want any bubble overs.

I was requested to post this on another forum so thought I would put it here as well.

Kimchi - This is a small batch but can be easily doubled or tripled if you eat a lot or have a large family.

1 (2-pound) napa cabbage, cut into eighths, then 1 inch wide pieces, discarding root
1/2 cup kosher salt
cold tap water as needed
8 ounces daikon radish, peeled and coarsely grated
1/4 of an Asian pear, peeled and coarsely grated
4 medium scallions, ends trimmed, cut into 1/2 inch pieces (use all parts)
1/3 cup Korean red pepper powder (gochugaru)
1/4 cup fish sauce
1/4 cup peeled and minced fresh ginger (from about a 2-ounce piece)
1 Tbsp minced garlic cloves (from 6 to 8 medium cloves)
2 tsp Korean salted shrimp, minced
1-1/2 tsp granulated sugar
1 Tbsp rice (NOT minute rice), ground in a spice grinder - optional

NOTES: You can substitute salad radishes for the daikon if you can't find it. A medium ripe Bosc pear can be substituted for the Asian pear. You can also substitute the salted shrimp with dried shrimp found in the Latin spices area. Badia is a popular and common brand.

For a vegan/vegetarian version, omit the shrimp entirely or use a 2 inch square piece of kombu during fermentation (remove before storing). You can make a substitute for fish sauce by simmering 1-1/2 cups of water, 1/8 ounce of dried sliced shiitake mushrooms, 1-1/2 Tbsp of salt, and 1 Tbsp of soy sauce over medium heat until reduced by half, strain, cool, and store in fridge for up to 3 weeks.

Freeze any remaining red pepper powder. It will mold if you don't.

Some people use rice, some don't. I've used grits in it as noted below.

EVERYTHING must be CLEAN. I sterilize the jar(s) and lid(s) with boiling water just to be safe. As always, if in doubt, throw it out. I'll admit, even though I've made this and other fermented/cured products, I'll always eat a tiny bit the day before we are actually going to have it just to make sure. I don't want to get anybody else sick EVER.

Place the cabbage in a large bowl, sprinkle with the salt, and toss with your hands until the cabbage is coated. Add enough cold tap water to just cover making sure the cabbage is mostly submerged. Yoy can put a plate on top of it and weight it down with a can of something if you wish. Cover with plastic wrap or a baking sheet and let sit at room temperature at least 4 hours and up to 24 hours.

Place a colander in the sink, drain the cabbage, and rinse with cold water. Gently squeeze out the excess liquid and transfer to a medium bowl; set aside.

Place the remaining ingredients in a large bowl and stir to combine. Add the cabbage and mix with your hands until thoroughly and evenly combined. Pack the mixture tightly into a clean 2-quart or 2-liter glass jar with a lid you can tighten and seal the jar. Do NOT tighten the lid all the way down. You need to leave it slightly loose so that gas can escape and the jar won't explode. Let sit in a cool, dark place for 24-48 hours (you should see some bubbles). Open the jar to let the gases escape, then reseal and refrigerate at least 72 hours before eating. Refrigerate for up to 1 month. It will get stronger tasting as it ferments

Thanks for taking the time to post. I'll talk to a friend who gives me sauerkraut.

Copied btw. :)

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