Recipe Beer braised mushrooms with creamed parsnips

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
1:45 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
I used a ruby beer for this dish but a darker or lighter beer will also work. Beer really enhances the deep savoury flavour of the mushrooms which contrast with the slightly sweet yet earthy taste of parsnips. The secret is in the reduction of the beer.


Ingredients (serves 2 as a light meal or side)
For the mushrooms:

1 medium onion, peeled and sliced (I use a red onion)
1 tbsp vegetable oil
140g mushrooms, sliced or halved according to size.
200ml beer
½ tbsp finely chopped fresh rosemary (you could use dried)
A pinch of sugar (optional or to taste)
Finely chopped parsley and Aleppo chilli flakes to garnish
Salt to taste

For the parsnips:
500g parsnips, peeled cut into small pieces
2 large cloves of garlic, peeled
75ml milk/plant based milk
Butter (optional)
A generous grating of nutmeg
Salt to taste

For the mushrooms:
  1. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the sliced onion. Cook slowly until the onion has caramelised.
  2. Add the mushrooms, beer and rosemary. Simmer gently, uncovered until the beer reduces by half. This will take approximately 25 minutes (which is enough time to cook the parsnips).
  3. Taste the gravy and add a little sugar to taste. I didn’t use any but this will depend on the type of beer used and your own preference.
For the parsnips:
  1. Cook the parsnips and garlic in boiling salted water until tender. Drain and add the milk. Blend to a smooth puree (I used a stick blender).
  2. Add the nutmeg and butter (if using), mixing well. Add salt to taste.
To serve:
Place the creamed parsnips on the base of a shallow serving bowl and top with the mushrooms and their gravy. Sprinkle with parsley and chilli flakes.

Morning Glory did you serve this for your partners supper/tea? Or did you both have a dish?
That looks divine!
I've only ever had Parsnips once, but I think that both of us would enjoy this.

I taste tested it of course but he ate it for lunch (both portions!). Parsnips are an underrated vegetable, I think. They are delicious roasted which is often the way they are served in the UK - often as part of a Sunday roast dinner.
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