Recipe Beetroot Napoleon with Goat Cheese & Blackberry Coulis


Legendary Member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
10:29 PM
Caracas, Venezuela
Ingredients: (Serves 4-6)
2-3 medium beetroot, cooked and peeled
1 pkt goat cheese (Use any one you like, but I prefer a pyramid type)
1 pkt shop-bought puff pastry
1 small punnet blackberries (or loganberries)
2-3 tbsps water
2 tbsps sugar
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  1. Cut the beetroot into fairly thick slices, sprinkle with a little salt and set aside.
  2. Heat the oven to 350°F. Cut the puff pastry into equal squares and bake until they rise, about 10 minutes. Remove.
  3. Put the blackberries, water, sugar and balsamic into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Lower the temperature and cook until the blackberries begin to dissolve.
  4. Por the contents of the pan into a sieve (placed over a bowl) and , with a wooden spoon, press the solids through the sieve so you have all the liquid in the bowl. discard the solids/seeds. Return the liquid to the pan and reduce by about 1/3 - your coulis should be thickish and syrupy.
  5. Place a square of pastry on a plate; add some slices of beetroot, add a spoonful of coulis, then a slice (or two) of goat cheese, a little more coulis, then top with another square of pastry. Decorate with dill fronds. Splash a little more coulis on the plate if you´re artistically inclined.
Beetroot and goat's cheese; a classic combination. You throw in some blackberries with balsamic to liven up that partnership. You certainly know your flavour combinations karadekoolaid!
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