Recipe Beetroot, Potato and Egg Salad


Legendary Member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
11:28 AM
Caracas, Venezuela
This is simple, earthy, tasty and filling. It´s also a "let´s-just-put-it -together" recipe, depending on whether you want more beetroot, potatoes or eggs. What makes it even better is the mayonnaise you mix it with.
3 cooked beet(root)s
6-8 cooked small potatoes ( I used a mixture of red and white)
3-4 cooked eggs ( boil them to your preference)
1-2 green onions, chopped ( optional)
1/2 cup, approx. mayonnaise
3-4 tbsps EVOO
3-4 tbsps white wine vinegar
1-2 tsps chopped dill
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
1 tbsp sugar
1-2 tsps salt
Freshly ground black pepper
  1. In true Muppet Swedish Chef style, chop up the first three ingredients, then whack everything else together.
  2. You may want to adjust the flavours; in which case, more acid (vinegar), sweetness (sugar) or herbs (more dill)
Egg, beetroot and potato - always a great trio and one I often use. Mayo is off the agenda for me so I'd substitute plain yoghurt mixed with a little Dijon.

Here's one of my versions of the trio (with added tomatoes, chickpeas and sprinkled with fennel pollen)

I just love the way the three main ingredients go together!

Its partly the different textures but also the sweetness of beetroot with the sulphurous egg and earthy umami of potatoes. Do you have a copy of 'The Flavour Thesaurus' by Nikki Segnit? Highly recommended.
Do you have a copy of 'The Flavour Thesaurus' by Nikki Segnit? Highly recommended.
Nope - looks like I can pick up a copy on Amazon for as little as $7!! Mind you, I´ve had to do a lot of tasting/pairing over the past 20 years, thanks to chutney making and gastronomy events. Not at all unusual for a chef friend to come by and say: Here! Try this! - now tell me what´s in it":eek::eek::D:D
Mind you, I´ve had to do a lot of tasting/pairing over the past 20 years, thanks to chutney making and gastronomy events.

I already know you have a great understanding of flavours & pairing from stuff you have posted.:D The reason I mentioned the book is because its given me a lot of new ideas and (more important) its very well written: funny and witty. Its a book to dip and dunk into.
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