Recipe Blueberry BBQ Sauce


Legendary Member
1 Feb 2018
Local time
4:01 AM
Ypsilanti, MI.
Add a little oil in bottom of pan, chop 2 jalapeños, 1 onion chopped and 3 cloves of minced garlic. After sautéing the onions for a few minutes add the rest of the ingredients. A friend makes this without the jalapenos. IMO it works better with the sweet/spicy combo.

Add 2 pints blueberry, 1/4 cup red wine vinegar, 1/2 cup ketchup, 1/2 cup honey and 2 tbsp mustard. Simmer in pot till berries burst and onions are soft. Usually 30-40 minutes. Remove from heat, let cool and purée

My friend strains his. Screw that. I like it "thick". I think it loses some of the flavor when you strain it. I mainly use this on Ribs and Pulled Pork Sliders.

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I will have to try this, but with whatever ****berry is on sale at the Randazzo's (blackberries are usually about $1/pint, which is insanely cheap). I'll also probably make use of some of the habanero peppers I still have from @CraigC's salsa recipe. I know, they're quite a few levels above the jalapenos, but...
I will have to try this, but with whatever ****berry is on sale at the Randazzo's (blackberries are usually about $1/pint, which is insanely cheap). I'll also probably make use of some of the habanero peppers I still have from @CraigC's salsa recipe. I know, they're quite a few levels above the jalapenos, but...

We used to grow our own Habaneros . We would stuff them with cream cheese wrap them in bacon and Grill them. The older I've gotten the less tolerant my stomach is for them

My take on your terrific recipe. Since I was fresh out of Jalapeño peppers, I have course had to use habaneros instead. My portions were 6 ounces of blueberries, half a habanero, and then some indeterminate quantity of the rest of the ingredients. I love how the flavor of the blueberries works with the bite of the habanero. I plan on using this in a variety of different ways. Thanks again for posting.
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My take on your terrific recipe. Since I was fresh out of Jalapeño peppers, I have course had to use habaneros instead. My portions were 6 ounces of blueberries, half a habanero, and then some indeterminate quantity of the rest of the ingredients. I love how the flavor of the blueberries works with the bite of the habanero. I plan on using this in a variety of different ways. Thanks again for posting.

you didn't use the seeds and all did you (of the Habanero's) I used to be able to eat them whole after pickeling them. Now, they might just kill me.

I have to say that I'm honored that someone already prepared a recipe that I posted.
you didn't use the seeds and all did you (of the Habanero's) I used to be able to eat them whole after pickeling them. Now, they might just kill me.

I have to say that I'm honored that someone already prepared a recipe that I posted.
I didn't use the seeds or the membrane of the pepper, and now I'm wishing I had thrown in a whole pepper, since there's not that much heat. On the other hand, this just means that I can taste the blueberry better, which is definitely a good thing.
I didn't use the seeds or the membrane of the pepper, and now I'm wishing I had thrown in a whole pepper, since there's not that much heat. On the other hand, this just means that I can taste the blueberry better, which is definitely a good thing.

I use two whole jalapenos in my recipe. This seems to give it the perfect balance of sweet and heat. As we all know. Not all Jalapenos have the same heat. If after making the batch I don't think its hot enough I'll add a few splashed of hot sauce or a pinch of red pepper flakes.
I use two whole jalapenos in my recipe. This seems to give it the perfect balance of sweet and heat. As we all know. Not all Jalapenos have the same heat. If after making the batch I don't think its hot enough I'll add a few splashed of hot sauce or a pinch of red pepper flakes.
I thought about adding some hot sauce, but I love the flavor so much that I don't want to mess with it. If I'm eating something with this sauce where I want extra heat, maybe I'll add it directly to the thing I'm eating.
Great recipe! I am wondering if this would work with loganberries - we always struggle to find uses for the amount our bushes produce each year. I love the idea of the fruity/hot combination.
Loganberries are a blackberry/raspberry hybrid, so I think it would be spectacular.
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