Cashew Nuts


2 Aug 2015
Local time
4:37 AM
Virginia, USA
A friend got me a huge container of cashew nuts. I have been snacking on them, but I am thinking I should make something with them. I was thinking of cashew chicken, but I was wondering if anyone had any great recipes using cashews?
Ah cashew nuts, I love the smell of it and the taste of it like edible wood but not so fragrant like cinnamon. Alas, I rarely have the pleasure of eating cashews since it's not native in my area and would cost me a lot to buy a pound. I do love snacking on it though and I find that it's great in oil-based salads. It counteracts the herby smell and taste. It's also great in cream-based desserts like Sans rival, tarts and cheesecakes if you're willing enough.
I love cashews but I mostly just eat them like that. I also like cashew butter. It is so good. If I have cashews on hand I like to throw a few in my stir fries. They are good like that.
I love cashews I would probably eat them while cooking and not have any left to put into the meal.
I did see a good recipe in the food network magazine. It was in some sort of Indian dish. I have misplaced the magazine now, or I would tell you what it was. Anyway, it sounded good,and I do have the spices as well. I will let you know what it is, if I find the magazine, which I will have to, if I want to make the dish!
I too am a fan of them in a lot of curries and stir fries - they add a nice textural crunch. Other than that I really just have them in my granola from time to time. I've never made a sweet dish with them - I'm wondering if they would be good in a pie, like pecan pie just with cashews as a substitute!
I have to agree cashews go great with stir fries and curries. My husband and I both love cashews as a snack and in mains. Unfortunately we discovered to our dismay that our oldest has a tree nut allergy and the main nuts he is allergic to are cashews and pistachios. We have stopped having the nuts in our house until he is older but I still keep a jar in my desk at work.
I made fruit salad last weekend and to make it different, I toasted some cashews. The cashews were cut in bits but not crushed so you can chew on it. the mixture of the nut with the fruits is a new taste according to my sister-in-law who enjoyed eating the fruit salad. Our usual mix for the fruit salad is the almond flakes and sometimes walnut. But the cashew is kind of exotic.By the way, that cashew is special because it is not the common cashew with the creamy taste native to the cashew of Bataan province, a rare type.
I like cashew nuts for their flavor but the most popular dish I make with them is also cashew chicken. I make it with chicken breast, celery, celery soup and Chinese noodles and my family just loves it. The salad ideas sound good though. I think I have even seen them in a salad with mandarin oranges and Chinese noodles.
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