Changes: Are you changing your job? Relocating? Going Vegetarian ?


31 May 2017
Local time
11:54 AM
There has never been a better time for making serious plans to make a major change in one´s life.

Are you changing your job ? Relocating ? Going Vegetarian ? Or taking a sabbatical ? Investing in a business of your own ? Making additions in your business ? Publishing a book or articles ? Creating a blog of your own ? Taking up a new hobby or renovating your time table to pursue a study ?

We shall be preparing the additional measures required to add Italy to our travel circuit tours for the summer.

I shall continue with a book Project I am almost finished with and I shall be publishing some articles on my trips to Italy that we have made over the last 5 years ..

Best wishes for a wonderful 2018 ..

All my best wishes for your success in your professional life & have a wonderful time in Roma ..

We are on our way home to Barcelona from Marco Polo Airport - Venice .. ( a frequently made trip .. ) ..
Same job for going on 30 years. Same house for 17 years. Same enjoyment of meat products for over half a century. :laugh: None of that is going to change.

But...I do plan on starting a food blog this year. I thought I was going to start it last year around Thanksgiving, when I had 2 extra days off from work. Then, I thought I'd get to it some time before the end of the year, when I had over 2 weeks off from work. I've registered the domain (, of course), and I have all the contents I need. But it hasn't come together yet.

I know what's stopped me so far. Besides my great love of sleep and wanting to do nothing on vacation, I really want to start with a fully functional site. What happens when you visit a blog that has a lot of Coming Soon! sections? You stop visiting that blog, don't you? I don't want that to happen, and so here I am. I really need to set a specific date to begin building my site. Next weekend is the first such deadline. Now, let's see how that goes! :unsure:
I know what's stopped me so far. Besides my great love of sleep and wanting to do nothing on vacation, I really want to start with a fully functional site. What happens when you visit a blog that has a lot of Coming Soon! sections? You stop visiting that blog, don't you? I don't want that to happen, and so here I am. I really need to set a specific date to begin building my site. Next weekend is the first such deadline. Now, let's see how that goes! :unsure:

I have the same problem. I expect you can build it and put it on hold before launching, though. I have loads of content but the job of indexing and making it all searchable is daunting. So I put it off... its a very competitive area and unless the content is original, slick, well written, easily searchable and above all, visually striking... well, you know what I mean. :ohmy: As I say, I keep putting it off.
Same job for going on 30 years. Same house for 17 years. Same enjoyment of meat products for over half a century. :laugh: None of that is going to change.

But...I do plan on starting a food blog this year. I thought I was going to start it last year around Thanksgiving, when I had 2 extra days off from work. Then, I thought I'd get to it some time before the end of the year, when I had over 2 weeks off from work. I've registered the domain (, of course), and I have all the contents I need. But it hasn't come together yet.

I know what's stopped me so far. Besides my great love of sleep and wanting to do nothing on vacation, I really want to start with a fully functional site. What happens when you visit a blog that has a lot of Coming Soon! sections? You stop visiting that blog, don't you? I don't want that to happen, and so here I am. I really need to set a specific date to begin building my site. Next weekend is the first such deadline. Now, let's see how that goes! :unsure:

@The Late Night Gourmet,

All my best wishes for The Late Night Gourmet´s Blog ..

It is competitive however, it is also extremely popular .. I would suggest " do your homework " (research) and see what it out there and another thing is to have Professional Photographs done of your recipes at 300 Dpi High Resolution for a Magazine and big photographs 2.500 x 3.500 Pix ..

Must capture audience ..

And you also must be committed to placing new material ( decisión: weekly or monthly ) ..

The other idea, is to have it done in magazine format digital PDF .. It is an extraordinarily successful means to get your name out there .. And it is free if under 100 pages.

Good luck ..
I have the same problem. I expect you can build it and put it on hold before launching, though. I have loads of content but the job of indexing and making it all searchable is daunting. So I put it off... its a very competitive area and unless the content is original, slick, well written, easily searchable and above all, visually striking... well, you know what I mean. :ohmy: As I say, I keep putting it off.

@morning glory

Procrastinating goes no where as you well know.

Your suggestions to @The Late Night Gourmet are the keys to any blog´s or magazine´s or website´s success ..

Good luck ..
I do have a vision of what I want to do with my blog, but I keep getting side-tracked with cooking things! Maybe if I made a few big-batch things, freezing portions so I could go a several weeks without making anything, I would have the time. This is a possibility.

Here's a terrific list of Tips for Food Bloggers. I've studied blogs that I like (such as the one linked here), and I've found that without exception the bloggers are willing to help. While there is a competitiveness, it's a friendly competitiveness: the food bloggers want to succeed, but they want everyone to succeed.
I do have a vision of what I want to do with my blog, but I keep getting side-tracked with cooking things! Maybe if I made a few big-batch things, freezing portions so I could go a several weeks without making anything, I would have the time. This is a possibility.

Here's a terrific list of Tips for Food Bloggers. I've studied blogs that I like (such as the one linked here), and I've found that without exception the bloggers are willing to help. While there is a competitiveness, it's a friendly competitiveness: the food bloggers want to succeed, but they want everyone to succeed.

First of all, good luck with your blog @The Late Night Gourmet :okay:
I like your recipes and your style, count me as your fan/follower.
Do you also think to have a Facebook and/or Instagram page? If so (as I have), they could be a good thing to let you know as blogger. See you on fb :watching:
Same job for going on 30 years. Same house for 17 years. Same enjoyment of meat products for over half a century. :laugh: None of that is going to change.

But...I do plan on starting a food blog this year. I thought I was going to start it last year around Thanksgiving, when I had 2 extra days off from work. Then, I thought I'd get to it some time before the end of the year, when I had over 2 weeks off from work. I've registered the domain (, of course), and I have all the contents I need. But it hasn't come together yet.

I know what's stopped me so far. Besides my great love of sleep and wanting to do nothing on vacation, I really want to start with a fully functional site. What happens when you visit a blog that has a lot of Coming Soon! sections? You stop visiting that blog, don't you? I don't want that to happen, and so here I am. I really need to set a specific date to begin building my site. Next weekend is the first such deadline. Now, let's see how that goes! :unsure:

All is recovery
Do you also think to have a Facebook and/or Instagram page? If so (as I have), they could be a good thing to let you know as blogger.
I've found that I need those things, plus a twitter account, and a pinterest account, and I need to cross-post/cross-link things to all those places when I do something. Fortunately, the web hosting service makes it pretty easy to link to them.
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