Recipe Chocolate Beetroot Cake


Legendary Member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
9:54 PM
Caracas, Venezuela
About 8 -9 years ago, my wife was travelling and it was my son´s birthday. He wanted a chocolate cake, but I´d never made a cake in my life, so I called my bro (formerly executive chef at Sissinghurst Castle in Kent).
" Look up Nigella Lawson´s Chocolate Beetroot cake. Even my hairdresser could make that!"
Did so, Complete success, Uttely simple. Never fails.
So here it is - and I´m not sure if it´s exactly the same, but anyway, it works for me:
175 gms flour
10 gms baking powder
75 gms cocoa powder
225 gms caster (powdered) sugar
3 eggs
225 gms cooked beet(root)
200 mls oil ( corn oil or canola)
200 gms dark chocolate
200 gms thick cream
  1. Sift flour, baking powder, cocoa and caster(powdered) sugar into a bowl.
  2. Heat oven to 400°F
  3. Place the eggs, beetroot and corn oil in a blender and blend until smooth, then add to the dry ingredients. Mix together until well-incorporated.
  4. Pour into a buttered, floured baking tin and cook for 40 minutes.
  5. Meanwhile, heat the cream in bain-marie until almost boiling.
  6. Add the broken chocolate (I used Ghirardhelli, but you can use anything decent) and stir until barely melted to make the ganache.
  7. Remove from the heat and cool in the fridge.
  8. When the cake is ready, remove from the oven, allow to cool a while. Then cover with the ganache and consume as fast as possible.
Yep! Nigella is good on cakes. I once made a similar recipe decades ago in the 80's, from a Josceline Dimbleby (former partner of David Dimbleby) book.
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