Recipe Christmas potato salad


Senior Member
17 May 2022
Local time
8:43 PM
This is the recipe for my husband’s family’s traditional Christmas potato salad. I was introduced to this when we first started dating (almost 20 years ago now!). There’s no source for this recipe - we just copied how his family made it.

Note that we never measure anything for this recipe - the measurements are all just best guesses.

Potato salad

6 white or yellow fleshed potatoes, peeled
3 carrots, peeled
8 eggs, hard-boiled
4 large dill pickles
3/4 cup frozen green peas
2 cups mayo-style salad dressing (we use Miracle Whip)
1 tablespoon ground black pepper
Salt to taste

Boil the potatoes until soft but not mushy. While they are still warm, chop them finely - you want them to be not much larger than a pea. Do the same for the carrots. Peel the eggs and chop finely, and same for the pickles. You want everything to be the same size, and the peas are the smallest item.

Put the potatoes, carrots, eggs, pickles, and peas in a bowl. Add the mayo and mix. Grind a whole whack of black pepper over it, and then mix the heck out of it. Keep refrigerated.

Makes 1 large bowl - about enough for maybe 8 people as a side. We usually take about a week for the two of us to go through it. You can scale the amount up or down as needed.
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