Cider at home


14 Nov 2012
Local time
7:09 AM
Durham NE. England
Help !! We have a load of apples and have decided to make cider [if possible] BUT we don't have any sort of press. I was sure I had a recipe to manage without but I can't find it and neither is there anything on the net. We could make apple wine but would prefer cider - is it possible without a press ?
Gee, how I wish to be your neighbor, hahahaaa. We have no apples here because the Philippines is a tropical country but there are apples in big grocery stores although we seldom buy because we have native fruits here. However, during December, apples would be on our dining table all the time as part of the decoration. Can anyone here tell me more about that cider thing? It is new to me and all I hear is that apple cider is some kind of a vinegar or something.
Gee, how I wish to be your neighbor, hahahaaa. We have no apples here because the Philippines is a tropical country but there are apples in big grocery stores although we seldom buy because we have native fruits here. However, during December, apples would be on our dining table all the time as part of the decoration. Can anyone here tell me more about that cider thing? It is new to me and all I hear is that apple cider is some kind of a vinegar or something.

Its alcohol not vinegar :D. Oh yes. Cider is a fruity alcohol made from fermented apples (there are sweet ciders and dry ciders). Its can be quite dangerous, because, due to its agreeable fruity taste, its easy to drink quite a lot...:cheers: :eek: :oops::sleep:

British (and French) alcoholic cider is not to be confused with unfiltered apple juice (USA).

Cider is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermented juice of apples. In the US and some parts of Canada, "cider" refers to unfiltered apple juice, traditionally made with a distinct sweet-tart taste
. Wikipedia

There is also cider vinegar, just like there is wine vinegar. This was referred to in another thread by @chefscombat
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Gee, how I wish to be your neighbor, hahahaaa. We have no apples here because the Philippines is a tropical country but there are apples in big grocery stores although we seldom buy because we have native fruits here. However, during December, apples would be on our dining table all the time as part of the decoration. Can anyone here tell me more about that cider thing? It is new to me and all I hear is that apple cider is some kind of a vinegar or something.
Cider is, in a way, a sort of beer made from apples [as perry is made from pears]. You can get the commercial stuff - clear, sparkly pressure filtered sterilized and fit for those who don't know better [like many cheap lagers] or the true stuff 'scrumpy' thick cloudy almost still and MUCH nicer [once you've got the taste for it]. It's normally made simply by crushing the apples then pressing out the juice and letting it ferment in a barrel for a few weeks then served from the barrel straight into the glass [although a pewter tankard is better somehow].
My problem is I have no press but I'm going to try the juicer idea although it could take a long time to do all those apples !
Our local pud organised a syndicate for cider making ,you all take apples along and get involved in the process ,and reap the rewards ,the press etc was paid for by donations and the profits of drinks bought by the syndicate
My wife's cousin made his press and makes barrels of cider ,the thing is getting the apples,he will fill a transit van pick up ,puts a whole new meaning to scrumping,
Our local pud organised a syndicate for cider making ,you all take apples along and get involved in the process ,and reap the rewards ,the press etc was paid for by donations and the profits of drinks bought by the syndicate
My wife's cousin made his press and makes barrels of cider ,the thing is getting the apples,he will fill a transit van pick up ,puts a whole new meaning to scrumping,
What a great initiative!
Found this at top of page when I googled 'how to make cider without a press'! There's plenty more recipes too.
That is great Morning Glory. I would think a juicer would work for cider since, cider is basically unfiltered and uncooked apple juice. ALso, probably a substitute for a press could be used, as this, It discusses using a masticating type of juicer to press apples. I think there are many ways to accomplish a task, and making apple cider should be one of the more doable things out there. It is one of the options you could look for and utilize for your home and your situation.
That is great Morning Glory. I would think a juicer would work for cider since, cider is basically unfiltered and uncooked apple juice. ALso, probably a substitute for a press could be used, as this, It discusses using a masticating type of juicer to press apples. I think there are many ways to accomplish a task, and making apple cider should be one of the more doable things out there. It is one of the options you could look for and utilize for your home and your situation.
Your link didn't work. Don't know why. But I can imagine that a different way of pressing could be used. I'm just hoping that @sidevalve will share some of that cider! :cheers:
Couldn't manage to get the juice out of enough apples to make it possible to make cider :cry: But managed to start 3 gallons of apple wine off [not counting the load of apple pies we now have in the freezer]. The wine will take longer but should be drinkable for Christmas :drink:
PS - Have now built a press - got to be ready for next year !
Home made cider (the alcoholic variety) made the easy way.
I don't have the time or space to press my own apples so I take the easy option and buy Apple juice from the supermarket. Make sure it is 100% apple juice with nothing added. UHT version is fine.
Fill a bucket with cartons of apple juice. Add extra sugar only if you want extra alcohol. Sprinkle one packet of brewers yeast on the top and fit the bucket lid. Ideally get a proper fermenting bucket with an air lock so you can see the bubbles of CO2 coming out once the yeast starts fermenting the sugars.
Leave the bucket untouched in the corner of the kitchen until there are no more bubbles coming out. Usually takes about 8 weeks. As long as the lid is sealed you can leave it for as long as you want after this.

Siphon the cider into old lemonade or cola bottles (The plastic variety) Screw the tops on. The cider is ready to drink.

Note that this method makes only a dry cider. If you want sweet cider add a spoonful of honey to each glass as you pour it.
Enjoy and drink sensibly.
Apples here in our place are always available in every season of the year. I like Apple Cider and how I wish I can make my own cider one day and I am hoping for that. Thanks @morning glory for sharing the link and I will surely check this one.
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