Recipe Classic Arancini


Legendary Member
4 Aug 2021
Local time
11:08 PM
Caracas, Venezuela
850 mls stock (vegetable, chicken or beef)
250 gms Arborio or Carnaroli rice
2 tbsps olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
4 tbsps finely diced onion
1 tsp salt
A generous pinch of saffron
50 gms parmigiano reggiano
150 gms fresh mozzarella di bufala
1 egg, beaten
170 gms flour
500 gms breadcrumbs
olive oil for frying


To prepare the risotto:
  • heat the oil in a large pan and add the onion and garlic. Sauté until just soft.
  • Add the rice and stir to coat the rice with the other ingredients. add the salt and the saffron.
  • Now add a ladle of the stock and stir. Allow the rice to absorb the liquid, then add another ladle of stock. Stir once again.
  • As the rice absorbs the stock, repeat the procedure until the rice has absorbed all the liquid. Taste the risotto to check for texture (it should be al dente) and seasoning. You may not need all the stock.
  • Keep stirring as this will break down the rice a little and increase the starch.
  • Just before the rice is cooked,about 15-20 minutes, add the parmesan and stir to mix.
  • Turn off the heat and allow the rice to cool completely
To prepare the arancini:
  • Take a small handful of rice and form it into a ball. Bigger than a golf ball, smaller than a tennis ball.
  • Flatten the ball a little then make an indentation in the middle.
  • Take a piece of mozzarella and place it in the indentation, then mould into a ball with the rice. Be careful to completely cover the cheese, otherwise it will leak from the arancinu. Prepare all the rice like this and set the arancini aside.
  • Put the flour on a saucer; the breadcrumbs on another, and the egg in another.
  • Roll each arancinu in the flour, then in the beaten egg, then in the breadcrumbs. Repeat the process. Do all the arancini like this.
  • Put about 3 cms / 1 inch olive oil in a pan and heat to medium. Then fry each arancinu in the oil, turning gently until browned all over. Serve with a simple tomato sauce.
Arancini 2.jpg
That's so classic and so gorgeous, what a lovely presentation! I love arancini. I didn't even know about it until a few months ago. Great job!
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