Conventional & Convection (Fan) Ovens


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
11:24 PM
Ohio, US
This might be interesting, considering the international mix we have here.

What's your oven situation? Conventional, convection (fan assist) or both? Traditionally, I think Americans have leaned far more toward conventional ovens, UK/Europeans more toward convection ovens, though now, here at least, more and more ovens are sold that are both.

My oven is a pretty basic Whirlpool, and it is both a conventional oven and a convection oven. There's a button to go between the two modes. Convection is supposed to be better for roasts, as it creates a crispy exterior, conventional is supposed to be better for light, moist things, like cakes and soufflés.

I've spent an amusing 20 minutes or so, reading a handful of tips from some of my favorite cooking sites, and manufacturers' sites, and have come down to the conclusion that apart from roasts/cookies and cakes/soufflés, no one can decide which one is best.

Whirlpool says don't use it for breads; GE says use it for breads. The Kitchn says use it for covered dishes, like lasagna; another site (I've forgotten which one) specifically says not to use it for lasagna. :laugh:

I've used the convection setting exactly once, roasted a chicken, didn't notice any improvement in the skin, or any real savings in time (another supposed benefit of convection ovens), but I'm going to back and try it for a few things in the upcoming months.

What say you? What do you have, what do you use, what do you like, what do you not like?

This is what I call the chef of the kitchen! It is almost like having a staff of chefs in the kitchen! It revolutionizes cooking like no other appliance before it. It's a small oven, It pressure cooks, normal cooks, slow cooks, bakes, air fries all in the same unit! I bought a few accessories for it. It allows me to cook a whole meal without using the stove or the oven!! The big air fry lid does not come off. It stays on at all times. But it has a big cyclonic high-speed fan that circulates super heated air around the food to evenly brown fries, roasts & other things to perfection! :wink:
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Our new oven we bought a few months ago is both. I haven't used the convection setting yet, as I've pretty much just baked bread or cookies or brownies, or used a high heat cook for crispy chicken skin thighs.
I have Roma 150 so it have big oven that do both I use when I make Porchetta or make roast, Small oven is fan assist this work good for many thing include Lasagne. Ray like crispy skin on Pork so I use fan assist.

Sarana x
Frankly, I take no notice at all of the fact my oven is fan assisted. As you say, TastyReuben most electric oven in the UK are - and I've always had one. I just switch it on and go. On the odd occasion I've experimented with fan on or off it seems to make no difference. Tried it with bread but no real difference.
We have both. The fan assisted is used pretty much all the time, the standard oven is mainly used to keep things warm. The rare occasion that both are used would be when certain things don't cook well together in the same oven, roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings for instance.
Oh, one other tidbit I found - don't know if it's true, but I did read something that said UK/Euro fan ovens are constructed a bit differently than US ones, in that ours are simply fitted with a fan that circulates the air heated by the coil heating element in the oven box, while the UK/Euro ones have a small additional heating element in the fan unit itself, which better regulates the temp.

Sounds like one of those things that sounds good, but may be utter crap. :)
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