Cooking squid


Well-Known Member
24 Nov 2019
Local time
8:02 PM
My little supermarket often has good deals on either frozen calamari rings or small squids

For some reason, I’ve never really been able to crack cooking them !

Example, I recently returned from a holiday and I had a small squid as a starter and it was so soft to cut through, but when I try to make it, it was just a way to chewy, and I did not cook it that long ….but how on earth did the restaurant do this?

I am aware of overcooking squid makes it turned a rubber, but I was just after a few tips and tricks.

I sometimes use around 4-5 inch squid bodies for sushi. I get whole squid, cut the head off, clean out the beak, clean out the quill, then slice off the little fins.

Since I usually use shrimp when I make sushi, I poach them, cool and peel, putting the shells back in the water for a while, then remove the shells.

The squid bodies go in the shrimp stock for a minute, remove into ice water, then the fins and tentacles go in for a minute, remove into ice water. Remove all from ice water, drain and dry. Chop the fins and tentacles, and I also chop up 1 body, mix the chopped squid with seasoned sushi rice, firmly stuff rice mixture into remaining bodies, then slice in 1/4 to 1/2 inch slices.
Hi all and thanks for help

I actually spoke to a chef today and he suggested 5 mins in a pressure cooker!
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