Recipe Cornish Saffron Buns


20 Jul 2017
Local time
12:46 AM
Staffordshire, England
A traditional Cornish recipe. Cornish Saffron Buns: Little bit of history:

More like a scone than a bun, I think..


500g (1lb) strong plain gluten free flour flour
½ level tsp salt
1 large pinch, saffron strands
120g (4oz) dairy-free spread
90g (3oz) caster sugar
7g easy yeast
200g (7oz) currants (I used saltanas because I didn't have any currants)
1 large egg
100ml (3½fl oz) milk, lukewarm

  1. Rub fat into flour
  2. Add sugar, yeast and salt. Mix.
  3. Mix egg with lukewarm milk and add to the mixture.
  4. Mix to combine
  5. Divide onto small buns and leave to rise*

* Please note that I did not kneed the dough twice as I used gluten free flour so you have to handle it carefully. Still turned out light and fluffy so must be even better with normal flour and butter/lard as the original recipe.

Served hot from oven with butter/dairy-free spread.
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This does sound more like scones but scones don't use yeast so maybe that is why they are buns? :scratchhead: I think sultanas are nicer than currants so that is a good substitute. I haven't made ant buns or scones in an age but now the weather is getting cooler I am getting more urge to bake. Thank you for the recipe.
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