Recipe Crab Wonton Soup


Legendary Member
1 Feb 2018
Local time
11:09 AM
Ypsilanti, MI.
This is an "In Process" Recipe. I'll finish it later. Honestly, as I'm kind of figuring it out as I go. Along with some help from @morning glory and Youtube :)

Crab Stuffing Ingredients:

Imitation Crab- 8 ounces
Green Onions
light soy sauce
Ginger root

Broth Ingredients:

8 cups of chicken stock.
Green Onion halves
Half an onion
Red Pepper Flakes
3 smashed garlic cloves

I cooked the broth ingredients for about 30 minutes. Once it cooled down I put it in the fridge.

I prepped the wontons a couple of hours prior to cooking them. I covered them and put them in the fridge.

I had my wife call when she was on her way home from work. I heated up the broth. Once it was hot I added the sliced radishes and the ginger slices. I cooked them for two minutes. I then added the wontons and cooked for another 4 minutes.

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Thanks. I had a few leaks in the test run. None of them broke open on the main cook.

Firing the steak up shortly.

oh, I'll finish typing the recipe up later then link it in the cook along thread.
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I just served it to the family. They LOVED it. The flavors were fantastic.
You inspire me. I really need to start making things for family meals. I get home at 7:30 every weekday, and everyone's already eaten. So, I make things that can be enjoyed separately, like cookies. On weekends, one day is almost always reserved for family get-together where we enjoy sometimes mediocre food together. The goodwill with the family is well worth some mediocre food. The other day is always about going out to eat. And, we sleep in on weekends. So, I gave up on trying to make a family meal ever again. But, what's to stop me from forcing everyone to spend a few minutes together enjoying a second dinner at 9 p.m.? Thanks for that.

Now, the recipe itself looks terrific. I just wish I could find a Chinese place that makes won-tons like those, particularly if they added such a massive amount of green onion. And, cool technique in boiling the onions in the broth before dicing. This gets their flavor throughout the dish, which is great: seriously, it's one of my favorite Asian flavors. I usually throw them in at the end, raw. I'll try this next time!
The OP updated with the rest of the ingredients and cooking times. My wife brought it up again this morning. She loved it. Especially the broth. She said the flavors were excellent. She had two bowls of it and reserved the leftovers for tonight :)

My son and I honestly critique each others cooking (well, he mainly cooks desserts and homemade cheesecakes). I asked him for his opinion on the soup. He agreed with mom about the broth. He said the crab was kind of lost with all the flavors. I agree. It could partly be because it was imitation crab. I think my second go with this will be with pork and shrimp.
You inspire me. I really need to start making things for family meals

Thanks. Our family meals usually consist of Colleen and I. Jake is pursuing his Masters Degree. He is usually absent for dinner. Even when the three kids all were at home we always tried to make it a family dinner. Even if it was frozen pizza's. Phones were absolutely not allowed at the dinner table!!!

I love cooking for my wife. She has done so much for me. When I can mix it up a little and prep something for her that she truly loves it fills me with excitement.

I'm not a fan of mushrooms. She loves them. I occasionally make her a dish that focuses on whatever mushroom ingredient I'm using. I'm looking forward to searching this site to see what other dishes I can create .
@detroitdad - start a Mushroom thread!! I love mushrooms. I picked up some Wonton wrappers yesterday. Plan to make dumplings with some kind of mushroom filling. Have not figured out a sauce.

Question for all - I do not have a steamer basket. Can I use a stainless colander over boiling water? Do I need to line it with something? Also - how long do you steam?

This really is a trip into new territory.
@detroitdad - start a Mushroom thread!! I love mushrooms. I picked up some Wonton wrappers yesterday. Plan to make dumplings with some kind of mushroom filling. Have not figured out a sauce.

Question for all - I do not have a steamer basket. Can I use a stainless colander over boiling water? Do I need to line it with something? Also - how long do you steam?

This really is a trip into new territory.

Yes, I'm sure you could - no need to line it. As I said to @detroitdad - make a few for a practice run! That's what I did and my first two leaked (I was simmering them).
Sorry, but I have to disagree Morning Glory. To steam wontons or dim sum, you always line the bamboo steamer baskets so nothing sticks. Cabbage leaves, lettuce leaves, perforated parchment are some of the things generally used. I personally would definitely line a metal steamer baskets or colander.
Sorry, but I have to disagree Morning Glory. To steam wontons or dim sum, you always line the bamboo steamer baskets so nothing sticks. Cabbage leaves, lettuce leaves, perforated parchment are some of the things generally used. I personally would definitely line a metal steamer baskets or colander.
I agree. I cover the holes of a vegetable steamer with a sheet of parchment paper cut to shape, and plenty of steam gets through. I've tried placing wontons directly on the open holes, and it makes them soggy. But, maybe small perforations in the paper would do the trick.
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