Recipe Crispy Potato Bhaji


RIP 21/01/2024
3 Oct 2016
Local time
1:33 PM


1 Large potato
100 gms plain flour*
½ tsp Salt
½ tsp Cayenne pepper.
¼ tsp Turmeric
Pinch bicarbonate of soda
½ tbsp Fresh coriander leaf, finely chopped
1 tsp Finely chopped red chillis
½ tsp Grated or pureed ginger
1 Soft boiled egg
Vegetable oil for frying


Scrub the potato and slice around 5 mm thick. Soak the potato slices in salted water for around 15 minutes.

Mix the salt, cayenne pepper, turmeric and bi-carb with the flour and sprinkle about half of it thinly on a chopping board. Sprinkle some coriander, chillis and ginger on top of the flour. Drain the potatoes and place them on top of the flour and spices. Sprinkle the remaining flour mixture on top of the potato slices and more coriander, chillis and ginger.

Mix the potatoes well until they all get thinly covered with the flour and spices mixture.

Allow to marinate for 30 minutes.

Heat some oil in a wok and fry the potato slices lowering the heat after the first minute. Continue to fry and turning the potatoes at medium heat to allow them to cook and become crispy.

Serve immediately with soft boiled egg and a spicy dip.

* I should use chick pea flour but I didn't have any.
The actual name for this snack is "potato bhajias" and it originated in East Africa from Indian migrants. So I'm told.
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