Dead Or Alive?


Midlands, England
14 Oct 2012
Local time
9:02 AM
Leicester UK
TVC believes this is dead, I think it needs time and a bit of personal space in which to grow.
Am I right? It does have a fresh little bud.

What is it? If it has a bud its probably not on its last legs yet.

A pink poinsettia, the plant we bought last Christmas died back then started up again and sprouted a branch. It broke off so I planted it, It was fine for a while but then died back pretty quickly. I have watered it and taken off the dead leaves so hopefully it will start again.
Mama plant is alive and well though not sure if she will turn pink.
TVC believes this is dead, I think it needs time and a bit of personal space in which to grow.
Am I right? It does have a fresh little bud.

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You could gently explore the soil around the stem to see if you find roots or a rotten stem. That will give you your answer. A fork or knife will do... Just pulling the soil back gently.

Until you said pointsettia I was thinking it might stand a chance but pointsettias are not the easiest thing to keep healthy and to get the colour back.
You could gently explore the soil around the stem to see if you find roots or a rotten stem. That will give you your answer. A fork or knife will do... Just pulling the soil back gently.

Until you said pointsettia I was thinking it might stand a chance but pointsettias are not the easiest thing to keep healthy and to get the colour back.

I am aware that the mum plant may never turn pink, I am just pleased that it is still alive.
The dark stem is an indication of rot from too much water. When trying to root a cutting the soil must be moist not wet. Warmth and good light are important. Take another cutting from Mama plant. A 4" to 6" pot is a god size for starting a cutting. Keep the soil moist - not wet. Place in a warm, sunny window.
Good luck with your propagation.
Poinsettia is THE Christmas plant in Venezuela. In all the time I´ve been there, I reckon I´ve bought upwards of 500. About 1% of those which have been lovingly cut back and nurtured for the next year have survived. :eek: :eek: :thumbsdown:
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