Dieting without a set of scales...


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
6:52 PM
SE Australia
I'm trying to continue with my diet that I started back in January when I still lived in the UK and had access to my bathroom scales at home.

Now I'm in Australia, my scales are in transit, I don't want to buy another set, but dieting without them is rather hard, actually it's hell. I can't tell if I'm losing weight or not... I don't even have a tape measure handy or found a shop I could purchased a fabric one from. Not having a permanent address and having to move out of this temporary accommodation in less than 2 weeks rules out buying anything online...

So, any ideas? All my clothes are too big, but they were before I came out here and I'm at a loss. I'm not the sort of person who can go and use the type where you pay and it weighs you in public.. I don't have that confidence plus I know my boots are hiking boots and very heavy and I simply wouldn't eat or drink until I had weighed myself even if I could find the confidence in the first place... I don't do photos, as in me in front of the camera, and there is nothing to compare against....

It's proving hard to maintain the diet without the 'feedback' from a 2 weekly with in. I think I'm failing.

Archimedes any help?

Just don't go running down the street.
What about a bit of string. Put it around your waist or whatever you are measuring. Cut it where it fits and then put a label on it with the date. You can then compare them to each other to see if you're getting bigger or smaller. Eureka! :happy:
What about a bit of string. Put it around your waist or whatever you are measuring. Cut it where it fits and then put a label on it with the date. You can then compare them to each other to see if you're getting bigger or smaller. Eureka! :happy:

that is exactly what I was going to suggest. string is cheap and works just like a tape measure. you can actually measure it later. must make the markings etc. and keep track.
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